What is the worst-named character in FF ever?

Ghost X

Silly topic idea maybe, but it just shows how much I can dislike a name chosen for a character for me to create it (the thread). So guys, what name given to a character in the FF series do you think sucks? And why? Can be for whatever reason, and you can say as many names as you like. Also, feel free to think of a name you feel is better for the character, if you so wish.

My choice is a real world name too, so if anyone has this name, I do apologise for any offence taken! <-- Obligatory disclaimer. Anyways, here it is:


I don't know why really, it just sounds like a really poor name selection for the character. Is the japanese name different, I wonder? Hell, if Seymour had my name, I'd think it was a poor name selection too. That is all.

Celes Chere

Haha, I have always hated "Wakka" character and name. Also I adore Gippal... but really... GIPPAL? What kind of name is that? Same with Nooj.

Paine isn't a weird name, but it's annoying by the fact that they're trying to go off of their badass cliche with it. Kind of why I don't like Lightning's name either. I do like the name Claire though, wish they'd had called her that the entire time.

Bartz/Butz... srsly?

And I think that's all. Squall has been an awkward name too but whatever.


Fiat Lux
Lightning, Snow, Hope - Might sound kooky to our Japanese friends. Sounds like half of the Planeteers to us.

Cloud Strife - No wonder he has problems.

Cait Sith - Cat Sith?

Angeal - I C WOT U DID THAR.

Ellone - 'Cos I never knew how to pronounce it when I was a kid. Called her 'alone', which sounded dumb. Should have read Elloné.

Alex Strife

"Ellone" was translated as "Eleone" in the Spanish version, which is definitely easier to pronounce.

To be honest, I've never had an issue with Lightning, Cloud, etc. Of course it sounds "stupid" in a way, but I'm not an English native speaker so it's not the same as for some of you. Especially with Cloud, since at that age I don't think I knew enough English yet.


The Wanderer of Time
Hmm...Wakka and Seymour are definitely up there, to quote a joke I heard somewhere Wakka sounds like he's named for Pac-Man sound effects, and Seymour...come on. It's one of the worst names ever period, I can't think of a less threatening or intidimating name...well maybe Drew, no offense to Drew Carey.

I think Kiro's last name is pretty dumb, "Seagill". Like wow, you guys aren't even trying there are you? Sounds like a name from D&D. Though I'm one to walk :p


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Quina.... I couldn't deal much with the character but... THAT name? Its really suckish. And Kimhari or whatever its written.
Besides the Few I already thanked up there


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Bartz isn't as bad as Butz - somebody should have been shot for that one.

Seymour is pretty bad, in terms of localisation, most western gamers would think 'Seymour Skinner' or 'Seymour Krelbourn' from Little Shop of Horrors.


I agree about Wakka, and I think Squall is pretty bad, and Selphie makes me sick up in my mouth a little. Its just 'Heres a girly ditz who can't be taken seriously' (Nothing against the character - just the name)

Angeal and Genesis are just embarrassing. And the 'Tuesti' addition to Reeve's name :@

Firstly, I always thought Reeve was his surname. Just as I thought Heidegger, Palmer, Scarlet and Hojo were surnames (Who the fuck calls a baby Heidegger, Palmer or Hojo!?) Secondly, how the fuck are we meant to pronounce it? Twesty? Twisty? What? He should have been 'John Reeve' or something like that :lol:

Worst of all though.....Sephiroth. I know theres meant to be some tenuous connection with the Kabbalah and 'Sephirots' and some such shit. But really. This is a character that became evil, he wasn't born evil. So why give him some really obvious bad-guy name? The name just doesn't fit with any of the other names in the FFVII universe (compilation entries aside) Even shortening it to Sephir would have been OK - its the 'oth' part that annoys me.

Oth....Quoth....quoth the raven....Goth....Black.... Dark BAD...BAD guy in a CASTLE OF BOENS AND BLOOOD MWA HA HA HA !!?!

See what I mean? :monster:


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I'm the only one bothered by Palom and Porom? I still don't know which is female and which is male because of their names :(

Oh you. No you're not.... I do have that little problem too! These are terrible names, they remind me of fruits :/


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Cait Sith - Cat Sith?

Actually, the Cat Sith was a fairy creature from Celtic mythology (and no, fairies at that time didn't resemble Tinkerbell or were good and funny, they were most of the time evil spirits which haunted lands and houses). He appeared mostly in Scottish folklore, so that might be the reason why he speaks with that accent in DoC.

My point was that naming a character after a mythical creature is not as bad as it sounds :monster:

Seymour is pretty bad, in terms of localisation, most western gamers would think 'Seymour Skinner' or 'Seymour Krelbourn' from Little Shop of Horrors.

Exactly what I was thinking during my entire gameplay :awesome:

Angeal and Genesis are just embarrassing. And the 'Tuesti' addition to Reeve's name :@

I won't argue about Angeal, but Genesis was the first successful subject from that experiment. I suppose they named after the idea of Genesis being the start of a new race of super humans [/guessing]

Worst of all though.....Sephiroth. I know theres meant to be some tenuous connection with the Kabbalah and 'Sephirots' and some such shit. But really. This is a character that became evil, he wasn't born evil. So why give him some really obvious bad-guy name? The name just doesn't fit with any of the other names in the FFVII universe (compilation entries aside) Even shortening it to Sephir would have been OK - its the 'oth' part that annoys me.

"Sephiroth" refers to each of the ten step before reaching God (has nothing to do with evilness). I think it's a very beffiting name for a guy who was supposed to reach goodhood (be that idea from Hojo or from the writers).


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I always had a problem with Dagger and RedXIII, for me they'll always be Garnet and Nanaki.

Yeah, Dagger is kind of stupid and IIRC she only used that name to travel incognito, yet that remains her name for the rest of the game (though I'm assuming she changed back at the very end or the Kingdom would have been confused)

Red XIII bothers me because:
"Hojo has named me, Red XIII. A name with no meaning whatsoever to me. Call me whatever you wish." So the player has the option to name him something different, but according to the complilation he still gets called Red XIII?! Why would he (and everyone else) keep hold of the specimen name he was given by that arsewipe Hojo? :huh:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
butz, nooj, paine (pffffffahaha), and snow

as if you didn't sound like you were on cocaine already man


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
"Sephiroth" refers to each of the ten step before reaching God (has nothing to do with evilness). I think it's a very beffiting name for a guy who was supposed to reach goodhood (be that idea from Hojo or from the writers).

Yeah, I know what you mean, and I know that it's not an inherently 'evil' name. But it is a name that's incongruous with the rest of FFVII. Plus, the average player won't have that knowlege about the source of the name which, in isolation, sounds pretty foreboding IMO.


Fiat Lux
Actually, the Cat Sith was a fairy creature from Celtic mythology (and no, fairies at that time didn't resemble Tinkerbell or were good and funny, they were most of the time evil spirits which haunted lands and houses). He appeared mostly in Scottish folklore, so that might be the reason why he speaks with that accent in DoC.

My point was that naming a character after a mythical creature is not as bad as it sounds :monster:

Oh, I get that. Just think they should have called him 'Cat' instead of 'Kite' or 'Kate', as Cid calls him in DoC.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Lightning, Snow, Hope - Might sound kooky to our Japanese friends. Sounds like half of the Planeteers to us.

Lightning is at least an assumed name.
Hope's parents thought they were getting a girl.

Cait Sith - Cat Sith?

Nae. Ket.

Firstly, I always thought Reeve was his surname. Just as I thought Heidegger, Palmer, Scarlet and Hojo were surnames (Who the fuck calls a baby Heidegger, Palmer or Hojo!?) Secondly, how the fuck are we meant to pronounce it? Twesty? Twisty? What? He should have been 'John Reeve' or something like that :lol:


Worst of all though.....Sephiroth. I know theres meant to be some tenuous connection with the Kabbalah and 'Sephirots' and some such shit. But really. This is a character that became evil, he wasn't born evil. So why give him some really obvious bad-guy name? The name just doesn't fit with any of the other names in the FFVII universe (compilation entries aside) Even shortening it to Sephir would have been OK - its the 'oth' part that annoys me.

Sephiroth isn't a badguy name. It's the name of the path towards human enlightenment. Given he's born of a superhuman project, the real crime is that it's such a pretentious name. But so are Angeal and Genesis.

Oth....Quoth....quoth the raven....Goth....Black.... Dark BAD...BAD guy in a CASTLE OF BOENS AND BLOOOD MWA HA HA HA !!?!

See what I mean? :monster:

David Lee Roth.

I'm the only one bothered by Palom and Porom? I still don't know which is female and which is male because of their names :(

Palom's a pal and thus a dude. Porom's a Por?

I always had a problem with Dagger and RedXIII, for me they'll always be Garnet and Nanaki.

Assumed names, Natch.

Oh, I get that. Just think they should have called him 'Cat' instead of 'Kite' or 'Kate', as Cid calls him in DoC.

But that's not how you say Cait.
Of course, don't even ask how you pronounce Claimgh Solais, if I'm even spelling that correctly.

Would you like a bag of Polom today? They are on sale! :awesome:

Only if they're properly aged. Immature Porom's no good.


Double Growth
I refuse to name Red Nanaki. It makes the party look like absolute morons when you get to Cosmo Canyon. I always figure the team calls him Red (and that's what I usually call him). Besides, doesn't Tifa specifically call him Nanaki when he's concerned about turning out like the Black-Cloaked guys? It makes that scene more powerful. I have always called Garnet Garnet though, I guess I just stick with whatever name I learn first.

And I was kinda glad Cid called him "Kate" in DC. The fact of the matter is they misspelled it and they should just call him what everyone has been for 14 years.

On-topic: It probably was Cloud, but Snow claimed that title. Lightning gets a pass for being an assumed name.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000


Double Growth
*shrug* Guess I imagined it.

But I still won't change his name to Nanaki. What do Yuffie and Vincent call him in Case of Yuffie and Nanaki? Yuffie calls him Red doesn't she?

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

i mean really


Alex Strife

The Spanish naming convention for FFIX was plain stupid. But then again, so is the fact Zidane's called Zidane. You know, it's like a Final Fantasy character being named "Ronaldo" or "Messi". That would be plain stupid.

Spanish translators were "smart" enough to change it to something less stupid, even if plain ugly in my opinion. Then we go with Garnet. At least we're lucky and a dagger is a feminine name in Spanish!! Imagine dagger was a masculine name; it would be even worse... "Daga" didn't bother me that much, really, and while I guess she'd be "Queen Garnet", I think Zidane stills call her "Dagger", sort of a private name between them both, right?
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Fiat Lux
I've never had a problem with SE naming characters after things/attributes because this happens all the time in manga/anime.

That's because these words sound exotic to the Japanese and their native audience. To us, naming characters after English written elements sounds childish, and there's no place for a boy called 'Hope'.

I don't care if Lightning's a codename, it's still the name for a horse.

I don't mind Cloud, so much, since it's such an iconic name now. It's the 'Strife' which takes the cake. Especially when the others had fairly normal surnames.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I don't mind Cloud, so much, since it's such an iconic name now. It's the 'Strife' which takes the cake. Especially when the others had fairly normal surnames.

Yeah, if the others followed the same naming convention it be like Tifa Chronicbackpain, Vincent Posttraumaticstress, Cid Angerissues, Barret uh....Angerissues again I guess :/

Prof. Hojo A. Moralcrackpot :monster:
[how is that even spelled in Japanese? You can't get rid of vowels in Japanese]

That's not a ninja name. It's the name of an Irish rock star.

Cait Sith - I'm pretty sure that's the right Gaelic spelling. From "mysterious britain" website: "Cait Sith - Literally translates to fairy cat, the creature was said to haunt the Highland region. The cat was said to be as big as a dog and completely black, apart from one white spot on its breast. Like a real cat it could be ferocious if stumbled upon."

Also, I renamed Garnet Ferret, because it's a cool name and it's what I wish I was called. I didn't know I was supposed to rename her Dagger. Takes the fun out of it.
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