What is the worst-named character in FF ever?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
The first time I played FFVII I named RedXIII Carcharoth (Yes, I was reading the Silmarillion :monster: )

Yeah, I know what you mean, and I know that it's not an inherently 'evil' name. But it is a name that's incongruous with the rest of FFVII. Plus, the average player won't have that knowlege about the source of the name which, in isolation, sounds pretty foreboding IMO.

That it's true. You don't know how baffled I was when I discovered that "sephiroth" was a thing from the real world :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
[how is that even spelled in Japanese? You can't get rid of vowels in Japanese]

her name was caroline /Prometheus turret


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
What about Brahne? The woman was ugly and all but that name...weird :S I just don't think we can ever chose only ONE character from the series. Since FF guys have an amazing imagination for names (Some names) and most of them don't turn out quite right :monster: IMO


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What about Brahne? The woman was ugly and all but that name...weird :S I just don't think we can ever chose only ONE character from the series. Since FF guys have an amazing imagination for names (Some names) and most of them don't turn out quite right :monster: IMO

I always pronounced Brahne in the manner of a Cockney. "Wotcha Queen Braaaaaaaane, d'ya wanna go 'ap the apples an' pears for sam fackin' whelks?"

No, I don't know what I just typed either.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Gimmie a minute while I put that on a loop *fap*fap*fap :monster:

Thats pretty much the way I pronounce it too, only slightly less 'suave' the cockerny thing was just for comic effect.

Ghost X

I don't mind Sephiroth as a name. Who would name their child Sephiroth? Hojo :P. I don't think its too far-fetched.

As for Tuesti, the first thing I thought of when I saw that name was an abbreviated pronunciation of "Tuesday". You know: Sundi, Mondi, Tuesdi, Wensdi, Thursdi, Fridi, Satdi. So I'd pronounce it like that.

I don't mind Noctis as a name. It sounds more fitting of an antagonist though, but its a pretty cool name, imo. I think the other names mentioned in this thread thus far are pretty passable as well. Am I not merciful.

Alex Strife

Yup. You're choosing to use that surname, Cloud didn't have a say in the matter. :@

In my defense, I'll say it sounds less common than it would sound to you, I think! :)

And part of the reason I chose it when I first came into this forum was because I was on a personal "strife". If that makes sense at all. And now it's my name, so it wouldn't make sense for me to change it!! :D


Double Growth
Huh. That's how I say Brahne and I'm American :P

I actually don't mind most of these names either. Snow/Hope/Vanille was the first time names every started to get to me. But I still say Cloud, people are fine with it now because he became hugely popular, but he's still named for

(Amazing to me how searching google for "cloud" gives you about a 50/50 split of those and the character)


funny, all the Google ads I'm saying are all about Cloud these days. Cloud computing, that is, but still :monster:.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
And I was kinda glad Cid called him "Kate" in DC. The fact of the matter is they misspelled it and they should just call him what everyone has been for 14 years.

They didn't. They spelled it correctly. But correctly in the half dead language the name if from, natch.

The Spanish naming convention for FFIX was plain stupid. But then again, so is the fact Zidane's called Zidane. You know, it's like a Final Fantasy character being named "Ronaldo" or "Messi". That would be plain stupid.

Cecil, Rosa, Tina, Possibly 'Lydia', Sarah, Sara, Sarah (Garnet, this time), Edgar, Richard, etc. all have real names.
Or is it because Zidane's a real surname used as a first name?

That's because these words sound exotic to the Japanese and their native audience. To us, naming characters after English written elements sounds childish, and there's no place for a boy called 'Hope'.

Well, there's hippies. They might do it. Even Anarcho-Radicalist hippies.

I don't care if Lightning's a codename, it's still the name for a horse.

I assume this is a reference to something I'm not getting.
Because Lightning's been the name of a lot of things, including a Superhero.
Black Lighting: "In my pants."

I don't mind Cloud, so much, since it's such an iconic name now. It's the 'Strife' which takes the cake. Especially when the others had fairly normal surnames.

I'm not so sure 'Strife' is all that bizarre, historically. Also, Highwind, Tuesti, and Crescent are a bit out there too.

That's not a ninja name. It's the name of an Irish rock star.

Also an assumed name. It's a kludge of his given names 'Edward Geraldine.' Eblan Ninjas aren't Asian.
And people from Fabul are very likely to be Blonde. Standard Ethnic assumptions don't work the same on the Blue Planet as here.
Also, Edward of the Spoony? That boy's named Gilbart. Money- gil- is named after his ancestors. Not joking.

Cait Sith - I'm pretty sure that's the right Gaelic spelling. From "mysterious britain" website: "Cait Sith - Literally translates to fairy cat, the creature was said to haunt the Highland region. The cat was said to be as big as a dog and completely black, apart from one white spot on its breast. Like a real cat it could be ferocious if stumbled upon."

It's correct. Gaelic is awkward.

By the way, I knew I was forgetting something before...

I read Sepiroth related to David Lee Roth?


Someone got the reference.

Huh. That's how I say Brahne and I'm American :P

Yeah. The h extends and relaxes the a. Without the, you'd have a long A in the name. Queen BRANE.

And now my mind has created a very silly FFIX/ Metroid Amalgam image with Brahne in Mother Brain's tank and Garnet shooting at her. Thank you, mind.

I actually don't mind most of these names either. Snow/Hope/Vanille was the first time names every started to get to me. But I still say Cloud, people are fine with it now because he became hugely popular, but he's still named for

(Amazing to me how searching google for "cloud" gives you about a 50/50 split of those and the character)

His mom's a Hippy. Cloud's a Flower Child. Think about it.
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Double Growth
I thought "ket she" was spelled 'Cat sidhe'. (not that most of our 10 year old selves would have pronounced it right even if it were spelled that way)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I thought "ket she" was spelled 'Cat sidhe'. (not that most of our 10 year old selves would have pronounced it right even if it were spelled that way)

Sith and Sidhe are different spellings of the same word. As is Si.

Cait is also an accepted spelling.

So, yeah, Cait Sith is correct. Awkward as hell, but correct.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Hrmmm, no one has added Vaan to the mix? Unless it's like Zidane, and has some super secret epic totally different translation no one would have ever guessed otherwise, then I mean come on people - Vaan.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde

Nooj sounds like the mating call of some feral animal.

Also Grimoire. I mean hahaha, seriously?

And Cloud. Well, the first time I played it blahblahblah I didn't know "Cloud" means this in english



Pro Adventurer
Squall. It just looks and sounds strange. I thought that was a name of a bird, a type of a seagull when first played FF8. IMO, it's strange. xD



Nooj sounds like the mating call of some feral animal.

I actually have a colleague with Nooij as his last name, :monster:.

Off course, if this was a 'Worst-named person irl ever', 99% would be Dutch, :monster:. I mean, check-in personnel was asking us 'UH, HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE YOUR LAST NAME, SIR?', :monster:.

FF needs more Great Old One names, imho. Give me a main character called Gzxtyos with an arch-enemy called Hziulquoigmnzhah and some extras like Ialdagorth, Ngirrth’lu, Sfatlicllp, Ut'Ulls-Hr'Her, Zstylzhemghi and Bob, and I'll be content.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
More precisely, a Squall is a sudden, violent, often noisy blast of wind.

Lagunas are shallow bodies of water. Y'know, Lagoons.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
I actually have a colleague with Nooij as his last name, :monster:.

Off course, if this was a 'Worst-named person irl ever', 99% would be Dutch, :monster:. I mean, check-in personnel was asking us 'UH, HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE YOUR LAST NAME, SIR?', :monster:.

FF needs more Great Old One names, imho. Give me a main character called Gzxtyos with an arch-enemy called Hziulquoigmnzhah and some extras like Ialdagorth, Ngirrth’lu, Sfatlicllp, Ut'Ulls-Hr'Her, Zstylzhemghi and Bob, and I'll be content.

Haha, really? That's pretty cool, actually. Now I'm all curious, I'll google Dutch names :awesome:

But, well, now that I think about it I guess Nooj would be OK IRL, it's just that everything looks weird on a guy like this (IMO). :bigawesomonster:


I think this thread would be much more popular if it was about character apperances, in which case I'd probably go "All of 'em", :monster:. Although VIII and XII had pretty normal-ish clothes going on for the most part. But I might just remember them wrong, :monster:.
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