Whatever that is it cant be as bad as that 'fanfic' where the boy claimed he had sex with his talking cat.
I remember once I thought if I wished hard enough that Falcor from Neverending Story would come and rescue me from school. He never did...the hairy cunt.
But yeah, that was when I was like 7 or something
Having said all that, I can't really blame people for this kind of escapism. For most people life is pretty disappointing when compared with a fantasy story. Most people leave school, get a job (that they
might like if they're lucky) get married and have kids (maybe) have the occasional holiday, retire and then die of a bowel obstruction or something after several miserable weeks in a hospital/care home.
So yeah. I can't really blame people for wanting to escape reality in such an extreme way. I imagine in the future when we can immerse ourselves totally in second life style worlds using implants a good proportion of people would be doing that permanently, being fed through tubes or something.
Isn't that a pip?