Gym Leader Devil
True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
- So many names
So I got to thinking, and it seems in not the only one recently returning from a bit of a hiatus from our dear TLS. I thought a thread where we could ask after folks who aren't with us currently might be a good thing to have so... Tah-dah!
Intros/Departures seemed a relevant section for reasons, but if you guys think otherwise do feel free to move it.
Now, on to the purpose of this post: Has anyone heard from Carlie, Tres, Noctis, or Kris in the last forever? It makes me sad seeing Kris listed as last seen in 2018, I still read the copy of Where's My Cow? he gave Ashley when she was a baby to her and her brothers. And if anyone sees Carlie let her know ClickyPerson and GLD said hi.
I'm sure I'll think of some other folks later, but for now we wait
Intros/Departures seemed a relevant section for reasons, but if you guys think otherwise do feel free to move it.
Now, on to the purpose of this post: Has anyone heard from Carlie, Tres, Noctis, or Kris in the last forever? It makes me sad seeing Kris listed as last seen in 2018, I still read the copy of Where's My Cow? he gave Ashley when she was a baby to her and her brothers. And if anyone sees Carlie let her know ClickyPerson and GLD said hi.
I'm sure I'll think of some other folks later, but for now we wait