Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

  • Disc 1

    Votes: 32 55.2%
  • Disc 2

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • Disc 3

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters


Double Growth
But the time spent on Midgar in Disc 1 made your return in force in Disc 2 that much more awesome. It had been so long since you had been there, as Barret says, it almost felt like coming home. Except you have the upper hand, Shinra is reeling, and you just charge through the city.

Parachuting in is cool too :monster:


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Spambots that actually make comments weird me out.

I chose Disk 1 because of Midgar. I would go into further detail, but everyone else before me has done a great job of doing so already.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Spambots that actually make comments weird me out.

I chose Disk 1 because of Midgar. I would go into further detail, but everyone else before me has done a great job of doing so already.

Its even more frightening when the spambots comment makes sense in regards to the topic at hand.


Disc 2 because we figure out who Cloud really is.
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little nerdling
I voted Disc 1 because that's the one I get the most nostalgic about. The first run through all the towns has more to discover than the revisits, and some of my favorite moments with the characters are here: Nanaki howling under Seto, Barret talking to Dyne, the dramatic story arc leading up to Aeris' death at the end of the disc...well, you can't beat that.


First disc for sure. Midgar was my favorite part of the game...


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I haven't posted in this yet?

The entire opening Midgar sequence is among the most perfect segments of any video game I have ever played. If the entire game had been up to that standard of quality, this game would be by far my favourite game ever made; as it stands, I consider it just a somewhat better than average RPG. The only segment of FFVII that rivals Midgar for me is the Lifestream sequence on disc 2, and that doesn't go on for nearly as long. So yeah. Disc one.


Pro Adventurer
Disc 3 gave me a feeling of completition and the feeling of growing to a hero that can match with the strength of Sephiroth/Jenova.And my favorite FMV (World Crisis ftw) is played in it.Plus,the ending blowed my mind and was a perfect final for,in my opinion,the best game of all time.And I loved the coherence of the FF VII characters at their final battle showing that they´ve become close friends like I as a player did with characters through the game.


Pro Adventurer
The first disc, because it was the most fun <3 It had the Gold Saucer date/s, motorbike chase, and the most humor/ lightheartedness and the most jokes.

CD2 was more serious and ...dark with the opening of Aerith being dead and Cloud's pain and feeling of revenge, and then later Cloud going completely off the rails and being completely mindfucked to the extreme, it was rather creepy being young and seeing all that xD

CD 1 also brings forth the most nostalgic memories as well <3 CD 3 is fun with the chocobo breeding and facing Sephiroth, but storyline wise, it's basically empty and just there to fit the graphical flashy ending which in the end, ending up being too vague anyways.



Pro Adventurer
While I love disc 1 for Midgar, Cloud in drag, Aerith, and all of it's quirkiness, I have to give my vote to disc 2. I still remember how absolutely shaken my 10-year-old self was when I walked through the Whirlwind Maze: "A clone? Why is Cloud standing on the ceiling? OMG he's a traitor!"
Then came the big reveal and my mind was blown. That moment when Sephiroth stabs Cloud and the music swells as he gets thrown into the reactor, what a powerful scene. Uematsu did his work well.
The Highwind. Going into space. The WEAPONs. Parachuting my way back into Midgar. Everything about disc two is great.


Save your valediction (she/her)
It's taken me over half a year to vote on this thing, because I have a really hard time separating the story like that. My vote goes to Disc 2 (sorry Aeris) because of the FMV sequences that became a staple of the Playstation FFs, fast-paced, eye-numbing action intertwined with dramatic dialogue and revelation. The Whirlwind Maze and the following battle of Junon comprise a tight one-two punch that not even FF9s Bahamut Sequences have topped (for me). And I've talked the Lifestream sequence to death, and the battle of Midgar is obviously great. Yeah, Disc 2 for sure.


Pro Adventurer
Disk one. I mean its hard to chose but i just fell in love with the game in disk one. Midgar was exiting and especially the journey across the world with your friends and meeting new ones on the way. Its where you get a talk through all the places and what they are about!

Ghost X

Disc one, hands down.

- Builds an excellent foundation for the story.
- Has arguably the most tragic scene in video game history.
- You travel to a majority of places.
- ????
- Profit

There's a lot of good actions scenes in the other discs, but I'll take a good story over action any time.


Pro Adventurer
I've often thought about this, and it's not an easy decision.

Well, disc three is out of the running straight away, for a number of reasons. I think the Northern Crater is a really poor final dungeon, particularly the first few screens where there's lots of jumping and frustratingly slow climbing. For what it's worth, I think VIII has the best final dungeon of the games I've played. The final quartet of boss fights is pretty underwhelming: the only thing to fear from Jenova Synthesis is Ultima, and she can be beaten pretty easily before she gets the chance to use it; the first version of Sephiroth has that strange multi-party arrangement, but every time I've played it, I've just stuck to one party throughout, as they can then be given all the best equipment and materia; the second version of Sephiroth is no trouble at all if you can work out his attack pattern (also, Supernova is so, so boring to watch, and it's ludicrous that it can destroy whole planets but only do a few thousand damage to the three heroes), and the final version of Sephiroth is, well, impossible to lose against. The ending video is good, but it took me a couple of views to understand, so it could be clearer. Oh, and the world map music changes from perfection to something pretty unpleasant.

So, it's between the first two discs. I love how long disc one is, I love how you gets to visit pretty much the whole world on it, and I love what happens on it. The "chase", where Sephiroth is after one thing, Shinra is after another, you're after both of them in various ways... it's brilliant. Even the ending - the game just wouldn't be the same without it, no matter how much some people clamour for the possibility of resurrection. I also tend to enjoy the beginning of FF games the most because you pick up new items and abilities slowly, meaning they all get their chance to be tried out and evaluated, while later in the game there are plenty of abilities that never gets used. For example, a well-developed Enemy Skill materia can single-handedly negate the need for a dozen different magic materia. Why would anyone bother to learn Wall when Big Guard is available much earlier in the game? And so on.

Disc two, on the other hand, has the best storyline, in my opinion. While the Kalm flashbacks on disc one can feel boring, the Lifestream flashbacks on disc two are perfect. The part when Cloud takes off his blue helmet and the world map music starts playing is perhaps my favourite moment from any FF. The WEAPON awakening is probably the best FMV in the game, and the ensuing storyline adds yet another dimension to the three-way conflict I mentioned above. Even though I don't love Cid, it's always a nice change to be able to play without the forced main character for a while, as you do in disc two while Cloud is sick. Disc two is also when many of the sidequests/mini-games can be started, and they're great fun.

However, although the things you have to do in disc two sound great on paper, I actually find some of them to be quite dull. The huge materia quest has never captured my imagination, for example. The submarine game is too easy, guessing the code on the spaceship is too hard (but everyone cheats), the North Corel train controls don't seem to work, and at Fort Condor it's more worthwhile to face the boss than to actually try to win the mini-game. The fight against Diamond Weapon is enjoyable, but it's so frustrating having to wait for him to reach the shore. The return to Midgar should have been fantastic, but there's virtually no conversation or story until you reach Hojo, and to do that you have to go a very long way.

So I have to give it to disc one, in the end. Top-rate gameplay and good story beats top-rate story and average (for FFVII!) gameplay.


Dedicated Fan
When I was younger, I used to think that disc 2 was the longest of them. I realised it´s not true later on :D But maybe I thought so because many unexpected things happened during disc 2. Even more than in disc 1, I suppose.


embraces her dreams
Monik XIII
I might have to play the game again to decide... As the truth is revealed in disc 2 I'm tempted to choose it... It's between disc 1 and disc 2 for me too.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I haven't replayed the game in a while, but I think Disc 1 was my favorite. I tend to like the beginning of stories the most.



This is an interesting question. The answer should really be Disc 1 for everyone, because the actual content on disc 3 is basically half FMV half one dungeon, and disc 2 becomes a bit sparse/ fucks up slightly, but I'm going to go with Disc 2. I don't know if that's because I'm sick to death of the first Disc from having played it over 9000 times, but 2 has The Big Reveal, Tifa and Cid as party leaders, the awesome return to both the Ancient City and Midgar and of course, the Highwind scene.


Pro Adventurer
Disc 1 for me, although I love 2 as well. Disc 1 is my favorite for the Midgar scenes, especially breaking into the Shinra headquarters and busting out on a motorcycle and fleeing from the city while chopping down pursuers from your bike. I also enjoy the Nibelheim flashback and the whole chasing Sephiroth across the world angle. I also liked that a lot of the places you visit reveal more about the party members, such as Corel for Barret or Cosmo Canyon for Red XIII.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'd be obliged to choose Disc 1 like most, but Disc 2 really does it for me for the reasons Lex posted above. It's where the story really kicks in the most. I'm a big fan of the middle of a story because it's where the most twists and turns sink in.
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