Who helps Zack to escape the dome of the Shinra Mansion? Angeal or Lazard?

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Remember, never trust what you read on a wiki unless it has a cited source, and if it does, it might be a good idea to see if the source checks out as reliable. Also remember that larger wikis, such as Wikipedia or Wookiepedia, are generally more reliable than smaller ones because they have a lot more editors and such.
I did not scan it, but I should. Let's both work on remembering that I should do this before the week is over... :P
I already sent the scans to Hawkeye but in case somebody else wants to look over the interview or just want to save the scans for themselves, here they are.

- Page 288
- Page 289
- Page 290
- Page 291
- Page 292 The scan I'm the MOST proud of: Got everything in just the angle I wanted.
- Page 293 The scan I'm the least proud of :(
- Page 294
- Page 295

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
北瀬 メテオ災害後、断絶されていたネットワークが『DC』の時代で復活したんです。カーム復興祭ってのはそれが全部つながりましたよっていう象徴の祭りなんですよ。ネットワークがつながったがゆえに、宝条が……ということです。

Kitase: After Meteorfall, the Network that had been disrupted was restored by the time of DC. The Kalm Revival Festival could be described as a celebration symbolizing everything getting connected. And as a result of the Network being restored, Hojo ...
Kitase: After Meteorfall, the Network that had been disrupted was restored by the time of DC. The Kalm Revival Festival could be described as a celebration symbolizing everything getting connected.
Took the freedom of editing this part into the TLS article.

This article and many others could use some retranslations...but let's not spread our resources too thin. :P
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