Who wants the PSN FF7 to come to NA?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
yeah all the quotes thus far had been alterations from the original Japanese and/or grammatically incorrect :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Just buy the GBA version, they should work fine on DS. I'm sure there will be a DS remake eventually but it'll probably be several years still. Or hell, if you don't want to pay money for a GBA game, emulate it.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
....I have the PS version, I just don;'t know if I cba to play it.:monster:

DS may have swayed me with pretty graphics and voices an such like IV until I lost it.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Emulating/GBA mean you don't have to worry about load times, so maybe you'll be moar arsed with those :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
True, but I hate playing games on the computer because it just doesn't feel the same.


Likes The Bartender
I third hating playing games on the computer.

Well how about a PSP?

FF 1 to 9 (with the exception of 3) can actually be played on a PSP.

There's 20th anniversary I/II PSP remakes... and technically, Final Fantasy titles that have been re-released for the PSone (IV - VI ) at one point or another, or was made for the PSone (VII-IX) can be played on a PSP. The original games are made into an eboot (like PSN games/demos)... just not "official". :whistle:

Anywho, I'm guessing VII/VIII PSN (so says a post in the first page) would have corrections. And like someone else said, you could always play the original if you can't part with change.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah I should go about ripping VI for my PSP but I don't have access to my haxxord PSP atm... or maybe it was already ripped.. I dunno. lol

I wouldn't object to correcting the translations though, as long as they're on the PSN.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Funny, the only thing I use to play games anymore is my computer :monster: though I'll probably do some console gaming again when I get a TV set up again, but hell, at this rate that might not even be until after I move.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah, I'm not bothering with console gaming either until I get a new TV. My 13" just won't cut it with a PS3 :wacky:


I'm not bothering with pretty much all forms of gaming until I get massive amounts of time and an excess of money to spend on it, :wacky:.

Note that I'm pretty loaded according to some standards at the moment. I'm a cheap fuck, :monster:. My current interior is made up of stuff I already had (20 year old bed), stuff I got for free (granny's old TV closet, a desk my dad got from work), or stuff that was very cheap (loveseat, €10, pair of tables, €5, great justice: priceless).

But yeah, cba to spend money on it at the moment. If all goes right, I'll be graduating in a good month too, so everything might change then, :monster:.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Daymn man, being so cheap, are you just hoarding all your money away so you can be a millionaire? :monster:


Likes The Bartender
I mostly spend time on portables and 'standard' graphics consoles like the WII. I'm also waiting for a high(er) standard TV before I go for a PS3. :)


Daymn man, being so cheap, are you just hoarding all your money away so you can be a millionaire? :monster:

That's how millionaires become as such, :monster:. Cba to spend money, really. And it's pointless to spend more than is required, and on stupid shit.


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
Aha. Hahahahaha. :awesome: I'm on the complete other side of the spectrum - I'll gather up money and wait ridiculous amounts of time to get one or two things. Taking Crisis Core as an example?
I got myself a PSP. For Crisis Core.
Just. One. Game.
Not to mention I asked for this game for Christmas, and then proceeded to wait four months while stashing money away and chipping in as my best friend bought me the PSP for my birthday! XDD From December 'till April I just had this little UMD sitting around on my bookshelf, taunting me with its presence. All in all I basically bought the damn console - at the time, mind you - just for CC. (Like I did with my PS2, for DoC. :awesome: Glad I found other games for THAT!) So I'll probably snag the PSN release, yeah.
I've promised myself I won't do any more console buying unless it's absolutely life-threateningly needed... like the sudden birth of an FFVII remake. If only~


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
For the love of god they better not fix "This guy are sick."

PC version:

“This guy is sick.”
“He passed out nearby and
someone must have helped him here.”
That was already corrected on the PC version and would definately be corrected elsewhere.

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