why do people want manly men in final fantasy


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Not a day goes by without me hearing someone bitching about the lack on "manly men " in final fantasy. They want to put ugly creatures in final fantasy games . i am sick of people calling male ff characters pussies just beacuse they are sexy and hot and dont resemble cavemen. I dont know about you but when i play games i like to look at pretty people not ugly creatures.

wanna play a hideous knucle dragger go play gears of war instead and leave my sexy bishies alone. .


I couda lived without Snow. But Basch, Auron, Jecht and Sazh more then make up for it.


Pro Adventurer
Two things

1. Japan loves this stuff (me and others too)
2. FF wants to be more realistic than other games with men with gigantic muscles paired with women with gigantic boobs. (I'm not against huge chest size, but if 90% of female characters in one story have them there's something wrong.)

As for manly men I believe the others have provided examples.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Pretty everyone and everything was the beginning. Amano's stuff is beautiful.

Though there is an early sketch of his with a manlier Cecil than most folks think, there's Cid Pollendina, Yang, etc. and he gave the whole gamut of manliness in 6.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
And one can be both bishie and manly

An example:


Glorious mustache? Check.
Huge, rippling muscle? Check.
Bishie Sparkle? Check.

The ability to be unbearably manly AND bishie has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Hey GLD, doesn't Sephiroth fall into the "Bishie & Manly" category? He is a little feminine in the face, but he has a masculine jawline and he's physically masculine too. That's just me and some may not agree, but I would think so. (Come on, he totally shish-ka-bobbed the Midgar Zolom!!! xDDD.)

~ Raz
Amongst the "manly men", You have forgotten Vossler and Reddas. Oh, and Ondore. I'm not convinced that Balthier really qualifies as bishi either, since by no stretch of the imagination could he be a girl.

And Wakka wasn't bishie.

And Rude and Tseng aren't exactly bishie either; though Tseng gets made bishie in fanart, he really isn't in ACC, because he's around 35 years old.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Rude would totally fuck somebody's shit up. And has.

Bouncer personified.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Hey GLD, doesn't Sephiroth fall into the "Bishie & Manly" category? He is a little feminine in the face, but he has a masculine jawline and he's physically masculine too. That's just me and some may not agree, but I would think so. (Come on, he totally shish-ka-bobbed the Midgar Zolom!!! xDDD.)

~ Raz

That's actually not a terrible point, really. Although it depends somewhat on where in the compilation you're getting your image of Sephy from. The OG? Straight up bishie. AC/C? He's still a pretty boy but just look at the jaw and the brow line. A good touch of manly man has been added to him there.


Higher Further Faster
Thread Title said:
why do people want manly men in final fantasy

I think the question should be more along the lines of, "Why do people NOT want manly men in Final Fantasy?"


You know what is the best part about manly Cloud? He was probably smoking that pipe while he beheaded Sephiroth. Can you get any more badass than that?

Sephiroth always looked to me like a really bad drag queen

You have no idea how long it took me to stop laughing at this line. XD


Tenny said:
I think the question should be more along the lines of, "Why do people NOT want manly men in Final Fantasy?"

I think it's because most of the characters in FF (or even other JRPG's) aren't yet old enough to be manly.
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