why do people want manly men in final fantasy

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^I've learned to pretty much ignore how old people look in favor of how old they say they are. But still, most characters aren't older then 30, or if they are, they're way older and look it. Even this doesn't help in supernatural manga where people have ways of keeping themselves looking young even when they're old.


Pro Adventurer
I think it's because most of the characters in FF (or even other JRPG's) aren't yet old enough to be manly.

Agree and as I said before their bodies are quite realistic for their age (look at Tidus' sexy bod in Dissidia) there is also the fact that even if they have blond hair and blue eyes they are based on Japanese anatomy which is leaner than the western build.

But games can go around it of course, look at Jin Kazama and Hwoarang in Tekken, they were 19 when they first appeared but their bodies are already so buff.

Like this:


He's 19 there!

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^I've found fighting-base manga/anime tends to through the lean-build rules out the window. It often looks more exaggerated then western body builds do.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What do the Tekken creators have against nipples eh?


Amongst the "manly men", You have forgotten Vossler and Reddas. Oh, and Ondore. I'm not convinced that Balthier really qualifies as bishi either, since by no stretch of the imagination could he be a girl.

And Wakka wasn't bishie.

And Rude and Tseng aren't exactly bishie either; though Tseng gets made bishie in fanart, he really isn't in ACC, because he's around 35 years old.

Bishonens are merely very pretty, not neccesarily traps or futas.

Being around 35 years old doesn't disqualify you as a bishie, if you still look immaculate. Ageless Tseng is ageless after all.

Having said that, age CAN be factor, which is exactly why Balthier is only 22 years old, even though he doesn't look or act like it.


Great Old One
Muscles doesn't necessarily make you look manly imo. For me it's a package thing. My bf is nowhere near buffed but he's scruffy looking and smells like a man = most manly manliness I know. FF games are bad at beards though. Snow's facial hair is the most sad thing ever.

Regarding the age thing, I think there was a similar discussion in the Turks thread. (Why are older men more sexy)


Fiat Lux
Hey GLD, doesn't Sephiroth fall into the "Bishie & Manly" category? He is a little feminine in the face, but he has a masculine jawline and he's physically masculine too. That's just me and some may not agree, but I would think so. (Come on, he totally shish-ka-bobbed the Midgar Zolom!!! xDDD.)

~ Raz

I don't know... Sephiroth tends to get fruitier and fruitier with each incarnation.

As for Auron, he loses man cards for those armpits.


Double Growth
Being bishie doesn't adversely affect your abilities, so Sephiroth's (awesome) handling of the Zolom probably doesn't preclude it. The exposed chiseled pecs probably gives him some manly points though.
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