wt is your favourite character in FF7?


embraces her dreams
Monik XIII
I would say Cloud :P though I really like Nanaki and Tifa...

Edit: I didn't mention Zack because I was thinking of the OG
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If the sky comes falling down
Draw between Zack, Tifa, and Barret. Cloud is a honorable mention.


Pro Adventurer
It's really close between Cloud and Tifa for me, but if I had to pick it would be Cloud as the central character/protagonist.

And, to follow suit, my favorite NPC would be Joe. He just rocks that hat.


Seriously, though, my favorite NPC is probably Rude because he is much more cool and to the point than Reno. Although, would you guys consider Reeve to be a NPC or a player character since he is not actually in the party physically but does control Cait Sith? My answer would probably be different if he would be considered an NPC.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
In party I main Cid and Barrett. Combined they make Syd Barrett :monster:

NPC is clearly Rude, and Rude will always trump any other choices I have. I really wish the Turks would get that 3DS remake so I can play as them.


Pro Adventurer
You know, even though I hardly ever write Rude and don't consider myself a Rude fangirl, he's probably my favorite original game Turk. The way he refuses to attack Tifa is really cute and intriguing.


Pro Adventurer
Yuffie, I felt like I was really having interactions with her and there was a relationship between her and the player that the others didn't have. I guess the fact she was usually isolated from the cast added to it.


I'm still torn between Cloud and Tifa T.T Some days I like one more than the other, but overall... I don't know!! :rage:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Tifa is my favorite. She has a big heart and great strength of character even if she is shy. Her patience with Cloud is also very endearing.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
In OG, I like Aerith more than Tifa actually.. But I like them both.. NPC would be Johnny and Rude..

In CC, Zack of course. NPC: Aerith and Cloud.

In DoC, Yuffie


3x3 Eyes
For me, it's a tough call between Yuffie and Vincent for my favourite playable character. I love Yuffie's youthful energy and childishness, and how she always held the rejuvenation of Wutai in the forefront of her mind no matter the situation. Then there's Vincent, who has such a cool persona and one of the most interesting backstories I've ever come across. Not to mention the fun / agitation of losing control of him during his limit breaks.

Hhm. At a push, Vincent, but I really do love them both.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
The whole party. Love em all. Tifa and Barret probably most of all, but I really like Aeris and I love Cloud, but for completely different reasons than everybody else so I feel weird saying it. I don't think he looks or acts cool at all. I think he fails spectacularly at both, which is why I find him so delightful.
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