Yop makes shitty games



I recently got into pico-8, it's like an emulator for a console that never existed; it's a runtime for 8-bit games on a 128x128 screen and 16 or so colors (probably more, idk yet) on the one hand, and an authoring environment for (mostly) games on the other, including editors for scripts (lua), sprites, maps, sound and music.

It was in the news again a bit recently - and had a spike in popularity last year - because Celeste was originally made on that platform in a 4 day hackathon (play it here).

So far I've followed some tutorials and adjusted the one so instead of a smiley face it's a cookie monster and you can nom on cookies for some bonus points + a speedup: https://cthulhuu.itch.io/monster-cave . It's really stupidly simple, code is here, but I'm really enjoying it so far - it's a break from my day job, it's writing fugly code that just needs to work, it's super simple graphics (I'm not much of an artist) while simultaneously the system itself takes care of the niggly parts like loading and displaying sprites. Here's the result of the other tutorial: https://cthulhuu.itch.io/lander

For now I'm planning on just following all the tutorials and making adjustments on said tutorial games, but I believe I can also make simple stupid games based on idk, the TLS community or FFVII.

So, ideas are welcome - I remember I did something like that some time ago and ended up with games like er, "bathe in the blood of your enemies while eating a Kinder Egg" and "Five Nights at Fuckwitted Bumblecunts"; I can do better than that, I think :monster:.

Nothing too sophisticated, I mean it's still a spare time thing, but still. Stuff.
Neat! This looks like a rewarding thing to play around with.



I've fiddled with stuff again today - I've laid some groundwork for an (old style) Zelda adventure game. In my current layout I've got room for 64 maps / screens and half the screen for a UI.


What I really need now is a concept / game design, :closedmonster:. I was thinking of this type of game, add pickups like keys and locked doors, combat / monsters, and puzzles. Don't think I'd do complicated movements (like idk, swinging across chasms) just yet, and I'm thinking of making it turn-based of sorts like a lot of roguelike games, where the enemies only move when you do. Something like that. But I'd need a theme and arsedness and visual inspiration, even if the crap I came up with in the screenshot above works well enough, :monster:. I did google for inspiration on the character though, :closedmonster:. 8x8 pixels and I still need to copy someone's homework, lol.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Ooh! That turn-based movement reminds me of a game I played on Windows 3.1 called Castle of the Winds.
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