Since this all got necro'd I can talk about what I consider an unfairly bashed game.
Oh the story and voice acting was absolutely dreadful but I thought the gameplay was fun as hell. And no not just because of the dress-up and hot springs scene. those didn't hurt though
I Chose Gunner, Dark Knight, Lady Luck, Mascot and the 3 limit break spheres because I can't choose between them. honorable mention to Alchemist, Samurai and Warrior
First off in the early game there is nothing more satisfying than wandering through the lands as a part of three gunners, Charlie's Angeling your way through the monsters, even if the rapid fire option does piss damage, the chaining is wonderful.
Lady Luck has all the "fun" abilities like boosts to stats, gil and EXP. I like it just for that reason alone.
Mascot, while tough to get and kind of maligned, is awesome. If you have a party of Mascots you have a team ready for anything.
The LBs speak for themselves in terms of over-powered badassery.
Though my standard end-game party was two Dark Knights and an Alchemist. This was who I fought Angra Mainyu with and who I got part of the way into the Via Infinito with (which I never finished because reasons of it's not fair, and cheap, and lag, and sucky map, yadda yadda)
Nothing compares to having two sister badasses dealing massive damage while for the cost of a few potions and phoenix downs your alchemist is offering healing comparable to a White Mage while also serving as a worthwhile attacker.