Your favourite FFX character

Choose your favourite character

  • Tidus

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Yuna

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Wakka

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Lulu

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • Rikku

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • Auron

    Votes: 26 40.0%
  • Kimahri

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Rikku and Yuna tie.


The Wanderer of Time
I love Auron and Jecht, of course, but I'll also put in a good word for Rikku. As funny as it sounds given her reputation, at times it seems she and Tidus are the only party members with common sense, that they don't just roll over and accept what Yevon says and believe they can change things.

This dialogue here is one of my favorites because it simultaneously highlights everything wrong with Wakka, the worst character in the game, and what's wrong with Spira as a whole, while showing that Rikku is not as dumb as people say.

Wakka: But you Al Bhed use the forbidden machina! You know what that means? Sin was born because people used machina!

Rikku: You got proof? Show me proof!

Wakka: It's in Yevon's teachings! Not that you'd know!

Rikku: That's not good enough! Yevon says this. Yevon says that. Can't you think for yourself?

Wakka: Well, then you tell me! Where did Sin come from, huh?

Rikku: I...I don't know!

Wakka: You bad-mouth Yevon and that's all you can come up with?

Rikku: But...that doesn't mean you should do whatever they say without thinking! Nothing will ever change that way!

Wakka: Nothing has to change!

Rikku: You want Sin to keep coming back? There might be a way to stop it, you know!

Wakka: Sin will be gone once we atone for our past mistakes!

Rikku: When? How?

Wakka: If we keep faith in Yevon's teachings it will be gone one day!

Rikku: Why do I even bother?


Dedicated Fan
Kimahri´s got no votes yet...but he looks content:

I deleted your image. It had massive junk data appended, wouldn't appear properly, and got the post moderated- Ryu.
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The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom


Pro Adventurer
I voted for Rikku, but her and Auron are both my favorites. I also like Yuna, at least in X, not so much X-2.

Prince Roxas

I Wanna Fly High
Kuki, Truten Prower
Gotta be Lulu for me. Love her design, personality, completely avoids the stereotype for a Black Mage character and she's just awesome. Shame she got paired with Wakka though.


Dedicated Fan
Well, I must say that I´m surprised. Auron´s winning in this poll so far. Not that he´s a bad character :)


Great Old One
I'm not that far in the game yet, I'm at Djose Temple. So I haven't been properly introduced to Rikku yet I guess. So far, gameplay wise, I'm loving all the characters. I love how you can exchange them during battle.

The most useful characters to me so far has been Lulu, Wakka and Kimahri. Lulu for her spells, Wakka for his dark spells and far reach weapon (ball! :lol:) and Kimahri because he's super strong and can tank pretty well with all that HP. Auron was good to use at first, but Kimahri became his superior at some point.

The characters I've enjoyed less (still gameplay wise) has weirdly been Tidus and Yuna. Tidus would be more useful to me if he actually learned some spells (then he could be more like Cloud/ Lightning and be 50/50) but now the only useful thing about him is Spiral Cut and that he knows Haste. Yuna is my only healer so that's good about her, but even though she now knows Life, she's just so... weak. Her HP was stuck at 520 forever, but that was actually my bad as I messed up her Sphere Grid in the beginning :lol: I've tried to keep her in battle to fix the damage and get her back on track, but she's still mildly behind. Her summons are good, though. Thanks FF for finally forcing me to use summons so I get used to using them :P (But thank you for putting in that 'press select to skip summoning cutscene' in XIII because summoning cutscene in FFX is like... o well better go get some coffee)

But STORY WISE *ahem* I think I'm just a bit of a deviant here. I absolutely love Wakka. I think he's awesome. He's like that semi dumb brute type you just gotta love. He's got HEART written all over him. I loved him from the beginning (even though his hair is stoopid). Lulu is awesome in battle (and her voice!) but what's with the clothes?!?! Tidus - not as annoying as I feared. He's growing on me. Yuna - a sweetheart, but I hope she gets badass soon because she's just too nice :lol: Auron - hawtness, love love. But he's becoming too much of a cliché to me right now, so. Kimahri - when he tried smiling :lol: OMG :lol: I think he's my favorite battle character, but character wise I think he needs more love.

Others - I lol'ed hard at Seymour's hair, but I think he's a good character. Obviously has a thing for Yuna. Dona is enjoyable, but again - the clothes!! Ich. And what was that thing she said to her guardian when she needed 'a rest'? Obviously her guardian is also her personal sex toy :lol: Jecht - I can't shake the feeling he's really Jack Sparrow. And Rikku I've barely met.

So to get to the end of this rant - Tidus, Kimahri and Wakka for me. I'll go with Wakka. Had Kimahri not had a dog face I would have gone for him. :P


Pro Adventurer
In terms of character it's a tie between Tidus and Yuna. However, I just fell in love with Yuna's design and I think she is the most beautiful character in all FF (in her miko outfit of course.) I still love her in FFX-2 and her J-Pop concert made me squeal,
sucks that it wasn't her though X(
. I love her so much that I cosplayed her (but it was a poor cosplay.)

Of course I have in depth appreciation of the two but I'm too lazy right now to write.


Pro Adventurer
I'm going with Auron because he's one of only two of the main characters that didn't have something about them that grated on my nerves. I liked Lulu a lot too, but Auron's back story gets him my vote.

Celes Chere

I think this favorites poll should be made for all the other Final Fantasies as well. Someone do it ;w; Anyway I'm not surprised Auron is winning, but I thought Tidus and Rikku might be higher! XD


Great Old One
Wait. I want to change my vote. Kimahri just told that story about Yuna falling in the water and then jumping back in three times when she was a kid - it was so awesome and I lol'ed so hard XD

Edit: Yay just ran into Rikku again! Her battle specifics looks really interesting, but her stats needs some serious work. And she seems nice and cheery and all, but what's up with the battle poses?!??
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I love Auron and Jecht, of course, but I'll also put in a good word for Rikku. As funny as it sounds given her reputation, at times it seems she and Tidus are the only party members with common sense, that they don't just roll over and accept what Yevon says and believe they can change things.

This dialogue here is one of my favorites because it simultaneously highlights everything wrong with Wakka, the worst character in the game, and what's wrong with Spira as a whole, while showing that Rikku is not as dumb as people say.

I'd forgotten about that...I kinda wish I could change my vote now.

Also, I always kinda thought that FFX was a very thinly veiled stab at what's wrong with Western culture(or at least the US) You don't even have to dig very deep...Sin in the game represents not what religions deem sin, but the wrongdoings we do against our fellow man. "Sin" irl is "sin" only because we blindly obey what the established religion tells us is sin, and it has nothing to do with what is good for us as a fact many times these things are against the greater good(abstinence only education anyone?) the wrongs we do against each other in the name of religion won't go away until we realize that they were meant to be guidelines and that they are as outdated in the realm of morality as Zeus is in the realm of meteorology.

However, because of all that I don't agree that Wakka is the "worst" character. The most uneducated or the one with the thickest skull, sure...but I've met plenty of "Wakkas" in my time, and he was absolutely necessary to demonstrate two things.

1. Someone needed to provide the argument for Rikku to counter.
2. It's an argument that is more likely to be had with someone that is too bullheaded for their own good...without someone as thick as Wakka making the argument you don't get to see how uneducated people sound when making the argument for blind obedience to religion. The same argument with Lulu or Yuna wouldn't have held as much power because they were reasonable people that would listen.

tl;dr: FFX actually opened my eyes to why religion is lame, and Rikku is the one that makes the logical arguments...but Wakka is necessary because to have a counterargument someone has to have presented the argument.


Had Kimahri not had a dog face I would have gone for him. :P


As for the summoning cutscenes, you can change it in the settings so that they only play the very first time you summon that aeon. It'll then play a very shortened version every other time, which I found to be a vast improvement.
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I think this favorites poll should be made for all the other Final Fantasies as well
Agreed. On the other hand, I'd never be able to pick a fave =(

And as much as I love Auron and Lulu, I went with Yuna. I really think she was handled quite well as a character.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Rikku, though Auron and Lulu are top contenders, too.

I just like Rikku's "Yes, I am far smarter than I let on" gimmick.


Great Old One

Had Kimahri not had a dog face I would have gone for him. :P

WHAT! It's because he doesn't have a single expression on his face, and that bugs me! But as you can see from my last post, I changed my mind. I now lovez Kimahri the moast.

As for the summoning cutscenes, you can change it in the settings so that they only play the very first time you summon that aeon. It'll then play a very shortened version every other time, which I found to be a vast improvement.
Ah THANK YOU!!! Will look into that next time I play.


lol, that makes sense. I was just givin you a hard time because I thought you didn't like him as much just cause he was a Ronso, not because Ronso didn't emote well.


I liked Auron the best. As far as how he was in battle compared to Kimahri, I have to admit that I rarely used Kimahri. I'm a little curious now to see how I would compare them if I had used both of them more evenly, since Fangu is so taken by him in battle, but I'm in the middle of so many games it's ridiculous. Perhaps one day I will find the time to mess around with X again.


Kimahri is really more of a wild card character. He was as useful as you decided to make him since he could easily break into any characters grid. I'd bet that Fangu actually put him through Aurons grid pretty quickly, since afaik that was the quickest way to beef up his health.

I actually used the characters evenly in battle, terrified of the moment when the teams inevitably split(ie via purifico in X, missile base mission in VIII etc. )


Great Old One
I'd bet that Fangu actually put him through Aurons grid pretty quickly, since afaik that was the quickest way to beef up his health.
This exactly. I didn't actually see that Kimahri could be taken down any of the other sphere grids, so I just picked a spot and started from there (which turns out to be Auron's grid.) There's a topic about different routes you can do with him, the favorite seeming to be learning first Rikku's Steal and Use, and various routes from then on, ending up on Auron's grid.

Kimahri is my best hard hitter, much better than Auron. With some of the enemies he now hits 350 - 650 easily (around Djose Temple/ right before you get Rikku) and he was super handy in the fight with the Sinspawn Gui.

My battle party now is usually Kimahri/Lulu with the 3rd spot a swap between Yuna (healing), Wakka (far hitting) and Tidus (Haste + he has a good elemental weapon). (Poor Auron!!)
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