Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links


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It's a streamlined version of the game. MMO. iOS/Android. Works well on an emulator as well.

This is literally the best way to consume months of one's lifespan without blinking.

Anybody else play this on their iPhone on the subway or is it just me who thinks this beats Pokémon Go tenfold?


Joe, Arcana
Definitely a more fun game than Pokemon Go for me, though I haven't played in a couple of months.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
Yeah I had to stop playing because I was behind on a shit load of work.

Missed the Pegasus event so I can't get 3rd Relinquished. Very annoying. Now fucking Yugi Moto is back and I really don't need that because I already have 3 Union Attacks and I never use them anyway because I don't need to farm shit.

And I always got better drops when I played straight and not farming. I get the sense they're trying to counteract the farming attempts.

I'll probably resume play when I clear my workload.


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So, what decks do you guys like to play? I usually run HHG because I can, though when Bakura first appeared I was playing with a fiend/DD deck for a while. That got boring when I reached Plat after a week of gruelling battles and I switched back to HHG again.

My last deck was something like:

Mai Valentine – Harpie's Hunting Ground

3 vanilla Harpie Lady
2 Sonic Duck
2 Birdface
1 Duname Dark Witch
1 Jerry Beans Man
1 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
1 Possessed Dark Soul
1 Sphere Kuriboh
2 Order to Charge
2 Econ
2 Mirror Wall
1 Metalmorph
1 Windstorm of Etaqua


Double Growth
I haven't played it much lately, but yeah it's quite good. The simplified rules definitely fit the medium better, too.

And I really am rather impressed that they got all the voice actors back for this thing. I know they had them together for the movie recently, but still.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
I haven't played it much lately, but yeah it's quite good. The simplified rules definitely fit the medium better, too.

And I really am rather impressed that they got all the voice actors back for this thing. I know they had them together for the movie recently, but still.

ironically, though that was what convinced me to give the game a try, the first thing one learns when they good hooked on the game is to switch the buggers' voices off and switch the character dialogue off so you can grind through more duels and not hear the same generic "I DRAW A CARD. I SUMMON A MONSTER IN ATTACK MODE. I ATTACK WITH A MONSTER. I ATTACK YOUR LIFE POINTS DIIIIIRECTLY. YOU'RE FINISHED."


Joe, Arcana
Played some more of this recently. The paradox brothers are up in an event. Easy way to get Gate Guardian.

Still playing a Pegasus deck with Master of Rites and relying heavily on Relinquished to smoosh the harder fights.
I also got the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon along with 3 Blue Eyes, so I guess I could make a deck with that now.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, I've been having fun with this too...

The most annoying thing is that I've played enough normal Yu-Gi-Oh to get into the habit of not setting Traps/Monsters in Main Phase 1 if I don't have to... Yeah... I've lost games because I've forgotten there's no Main Phase 2...

The other difference that cracks me up is how only having 3 monster/spell zones on the field messes with balance. Especially cards that need all zones on the field to be filled to work (Straight Flush <3).


Joe, Arcana
The balance is really peculiar. There are some cards that have grown tremendously strong or weak due to the difference in monster space.

Still, the game doesn't seem to have any glaring balance issues that I've found. Time Wizard can eat a dick.

If you wanna add me my ID is 512-086-677 ^_^
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