Recent content by Castiel Strife

  1. Castiel Strife

    Dragon Ball Super

    I loved it. All of my friends did, too. I didn’t even realize that a lot of people hated it, haha. Is the hate as bad as GT? Heck, I even liked GT. I’m glad they did away with all that, but I still enjoy watching GT as like a parallel universe. Super was way better though. I’m just a sucker for...
  2. Castiel Strife

    The Last of Us Part II is Zionist Propaganda

    A million times, yes!!! I’ve been waiting to see someone who has the same views on the game as me, and I’m glad I found it. With that said, I’m going to dive into my overall thoughts on the game and I’ll put everything in spoiler tags.
  3. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Character Deaths in Future FF7:R (*Open Spoilers*)

    Here’s what they’ll do to really eff with our minds. Zach ends up being alive, so they kill Cloud and the Cloud in AC is actually just Zach who has assumed Cloud’s identity. There. Mind blown. O_O But on a serious note, I hope they just keep it the same and have Aerith’s death with perhaps a...
  4. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Hard Mode Discussion

    I want to play through the game again, but rather than attempting hard mode again I think I’m just going to do another normal playthrough lol. I just don’t have the patience for hard mode. I’ve beaten a lot of games on hard mode (generally after completing them on normal). Games like Uncharted...
  5. Castiel Strife


    Same. I really wish it didn’t have to release during the middle of a pandemic. It’s hard to judge sales based off of what is going on in the world right now. I also wonder if Animal Crossing hurt it. I bought Animal Crossing and I love it, but I put it down the second FF7R released. For some, I...
  6. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    That is an awesome story! Thanks for sharing. It’s a great mindset for your sister to have. It goes to show you that sometimes we need to just relax and enjoy the ride. :) Some of us could benefit from having her mindset.
  7. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    You know, you bring up a really great point about translation. Just remember how bad the original translation was haha. I didn’t even take that into equation when thinking about this game. There’s a lot that could have (potentially) been loosely translated. It’s okay guys! The whispers aren’t...
  8. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    It’s a good point, but when will we even see Hojo again? There’s a chance we won’t run into him on Costa Del Sol this time around. I think key elements could still remain unchanged. Aerith seems to know at least something about her fate, but I always gathered even from the original that she was...
  9. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    Okay, so here’s the thing. Bear with me. They changed a lot in this game. The same general plot still stood, though. You’re still a mercenary joining a terrorist group to bomb reactors and take out the big bad Shinra. Aerith still gets kidnapped and you have to find and rescue her before...
  10. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    You have to battle it in hard mode, right? I gave up on hard mode, myself. Got to the battle with Roche and hit a brick wall. Tried doing chapter select and chose the Wall Market chapter to get more revive materia and died on the way there... It just wasn't fun for me after a while. I know you...
  11. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    There was some incredible genius (I think here, actually) that suggested having Sephiroth miss when he falls from the sky to kill Aerith, tricking us all out, but then killing her anyways. I thought that not only was hilarious (I mean not the Aerith dying part, still sad) but also a good way to...
  12. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    It won’t happen this way, but what would make the most sense to me would be for them to meet up after the events of FF7. After defeating Sephiroth at the crater. The original game never proved to us that they were dead, it was only implied and Cloud and gang assumed they were dead but had no...
  13. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    So this is way off topic from what everyone else is talking about, but is anyone else going for the platinum? I have it for the original that was re-released on PS4, and I want this one too. However, I screwed up the “letter from an angel” trophy. You have to do all of the chapter 14 side...
  14. Castiel Strife

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    Still digesting everything, lol. I’ll say this though - the original game did a poor job of ever proving the deaths of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. It’s not unfathomable to think they survived, though both Biggs and Jessie sure looked to be dead/dying when Cloud caught up with them in the remake...
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