Recent content by Prism

  1. Prism

    What games are you currently playing?

    I've been playing FFX for the last few months, and it does make me long for the mid-2000s tropical vibe of Spira and games like Mario Sunshine. (It seems like that vibe is trending on social media as well) I know people say that FFXIII's linear structure is bad and FFX's is good, but honestly...
  2. Prism


    I saw a handful of information that made me really, really excited to play Rebirth. The issue is my PS5 is still America, even at this point! I can only pray that the PC release comes sooner than Remake’s did. Though I honestly doubt it!
  3. Prism

    Final Fantasy XVI

    I went to a local bookstore and picked up a copy of this month's issue of CGWORLD, a magazine dedicated to detailing the 3D artistic processes used by industry professionals. This month's issue was on FFXVI, so I had to pick it up - and I found something interesting, and it implies something I...
  4. Prism

    Final Fantasy XVI

    It’s funny because my initial reaction to FFXVI was very negative, but now I think it’s clearly going to be one of the best games in the series we’ve seen in a long time. I can’t tell you any specific moment where my mind was changed, it was all very gradual, but the game it’s shaped up to be an...
  5. Prism


    I’m very excited, and it really looks like they’re taking advantage of Unreal 5 in a revolutionary way. It became available at just the right time! Al of the open nature environments in the post-Midgar game benefit by this technology immensely. The dense environments look fantastic, and I have...
  6. Prism

    The Future of TLS (Content and Community)

    Even though I'm also relatively new (and the craziest thing is that I'll have been here for four years this year, and I still think of myself as new...), I'll be happy to be a part of this community. Thank you for posting your thoughts, Lex. My posting has also ebbed recently with my move to...
  7. Prism

    Remake Merchandise

    Today, I went to the Shibuya PARCO Final Fantasy pop-up shop! It's only available until the end of the month, so I will probably end up going again later. I didn't buy anything this time, I just looked to see the inventory - it had some pretty nice stuff, including the Buster Sword that...
  8. Prism

    The Last of Us HBO Series

    I started this a few days ago! My motivation for watching the show was seeing the reception of the humanity episode 3 brought to the table - when the show was initially announced, I was worried that it would be redundant because the cutscenes in the game are a very similar format to a television...
  9. Prism

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Whatever I have to add here is disconnected from the rest of the thread 'cause I'm just jumping in, but... I really like the PSP version of Crisis Core partly because of the specific traits of the PSP (the in-game email feature feels like a mobile cell phone from back in the day, for example...
  10. Prism

    Hey y'all.

  11. Prism

    Remake Merchandise

    I was curious if this figure was either notable, or additionally, if anyone would be interested in it. Is it generally not noteworthy? I found this in my local recycle shop. It’s VIII and not Remake, but thought it wasn’t really worth making another thread over :mon: Additionally, if anyone...
  12. Prism

    Final Fantasy XVI

    While I initially didn’t dig what I saw when it was first revealed, this new trailer really looked amazing. It really got my imagination going and felt distinctly like Final Fantasy…wow!
  13. Prism

    So where do we stand on the big remake mystery now?

    I have no idea and I won’t even pretend to know! Though I think there’s enough information for the rest of your guys’ speculation to have foundation. I guess I just don’t see how he can be meaningfully be added back into the story, given that he’s portrayed as this tragic mystery looming over...
  14. Prism

    How will the new party members be included gameplay/story wise?

    I don't think they'll craft custom scenes for each party configuration. Perhaps this time, they're all mandatory. It just doesn't seem they'll use development resources that way in the modern day, but you never know. Them being optional in the original is a big part of their charm, but perhaps...
  15. Prism

    The Official "Where will Rebirth end?" Thread

    I think there’s a lot of discussion that might have covered this already, but I figure I’ll just post what I was thinking :P The Northern Crater (the first time you visit it) seems like a perfect place to cut the game off. Cloud’s fallen into the lifestream, his self-image has been shattered...
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