Before I start I'd like to properly say hello, big lurker here!
Hello and welcome!
When she meets her tragic fate at the arms of the hero, it is a gut wrenching moment and you as the player have a visceral reaction to the moment, feeling the emotions Cloud goes through.
You know, I actually had the exact opposite experience. XD I fully went into FF7 thinking that CA was canon (I'd read it in passing on the internet) and I didn't feel much about Aerith's death aside from: "Oh, she died? Well, that's depressing." And five seconds after that I remembered that Cloud was alive at the end of the game and I realised I'd been lied to about CA. XD
By the time I played FF7, I was already familiar with Japanese media and they never or rarely leave the protagonist hopelessly pining after a love interest. The secondary male lead? Yeah, that guy can pine for the rest of his life, self-insert himself in the main lead's marriage as surrogate dad, or realise he was in love with the main couple's unborn and hitherto unconceived child all along. (I've read some wild stuff, lol.)
I like that the Remake trilogy is negating the love triangle, but the OG game unfortunately made it even a thing which created that division.
And I think this goes back to misunderstanding shipping, shippers and LTDs. Like, there literally was nothing the devs could've done to prevent the LTD from happening aside from maybe not having Cloud and Aerith interact at all but then you might as well start asking why have Aerith in the game then? ALL characters get shipped and it's mostly the main characters who get entangled in LTDs even if the other ship literally has nothing going for it. I've seen people create LTDs literally out of thin air over ships that never had even the tiniest chance of becoming canon.
Yes, the
player can play Cloud as having a romantic interest in Aerith which does muddy the discussion a bit, admittedly. But FF7 isn't Mass Effect. Aerith talks about her ex-boyfriend on all of her dates (funny, Retrilogy switched this up and now she talks about Tifa!), Aerith dies (and later reunites with the boyfriend she longed to see),
Cloud declares another woman his raison d'être and confesses his feelings for her, and spends their seemingly last night on earth with her as she says "Words aren't the only way blah blah blah" and the screen fades to back. If FF7 had really been a choose your own
waifu adventure, the devs probably would've written an option where Cloud visits the church instead or Forgotten City and Tifa could've gone with Barret to see Marlene, I guess?
And yeah, some people did interpret FF7 as "SOLDIER Boy meets Cute. SOLDIER Boy and Cute fall in love. Cute dies. SOLDIER Boy swears to avenge his lost love interest." To put it simply, lol. And the thing is... Cloud already did that with Tifa, you know? "Return my mother... Tifa... and my village!" right as he stabbed Sephiroth. Well, the only reason I point this out is that it's kind of funny when you consider that the extreme CAs really hate that ZA "imitated" CA but it's okay if CA "imitated" CT?
But anyway, funny enough there already is a game (released in 1996) about a blonde, womanizing soldier boy whose pink love interest died and he got together with another female character by the end. It really wasn't written like FF7 (and it was actually surprisingly well-written).