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  1. Luthyl

    Hello Everyone

    Hello! You were lucky to be able to play the game at its release, must have been a magical experience! I'm jealous ;) Ah that's very relatable! Welcome :D
  2. Luthyl

    Kingdom Hearts IV

    I knew it! Also classic Nomura to add hidden messages everywhere and then say we overthink everything. :mon:
  3. Luthyl

    Dragon Age Series

    From what I remember, they are definitely worth it! Especially Trespasser.
  4. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    :properhug: Oh I can't believe I forgot about the fanclubs! The drama! I can definitely see the Seconds and Firsts all go and grab some coffee together or get inebriated at a bar at the end of the week. Angeal being the only responsible and sober one of course. Weekly meetups and stuff...
  5. Luthyl

    Dragon Age Series

    I may have only played Inquisition, but I can't wait to explore the world of Dragon Age once more, I hope there will be more news soon! I am sure it will be worth the wait.
  6. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Arghh don't make me choose! Sorry you have to go through an essay now, I don't make the rules. We are both probably going to regret this. Obligatory tl;dr at the end. Ok, so. Both of them works for Shinra so from a moral standpoint ehh it's kind of iffy. Turks killed thousands of innocent...
  7. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Glad to hear it and thank you :D
  8. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Don't worry, I think I found it. Can't wait to start reading tonight! No idea either, but very true. Being limited in your explanations doesn't help.
  9. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    After having a glimpse of... whatever is going on with twitter fandoms most of the time, I have a feeling this forum will feel perfectly reasonable.
  10. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Ahhh why didn't I think of that! Thank you so much, I have a thread to find then! Thank you for the welcome <3
  11. Luthyl

    Kingdom Hearts IV

    I can't believe we are actually going to play in quadratum. It feels unreal, eh. No but seriously, I really wonder how the next arc will play out, with so many characters involved it's going to be challenging. Regardless, I am here for the crazy ride and the cryptic stuff and I have a feeling I...
  12. Luthyl

    Because all the cool kids have one…my art thread.

    Wow they are really impressive! I have a soft spot for the first one, the black and white really suits the mood of the piece. I absolutely love watercolor, it's so fun to use once you get the hang of it.
  13. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    phew Thank you for the warm welcome, I promise I won't steal any materia, pinky swear!
  14. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Thank you! You bet :)
  15. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Ah that's a tough question, hmm... Both of them are way too cute for their own good but can reveal themselves troublesome if they want to. They both have cute and iconic catchphrases. But look, you can ride chocobos. That's the coolest thing ever so they are ultimately better. (But no I...
  16. Luthyl

    *Aerith's voice* Hell-llooo!

    Ok so I am pretty bad at this but let's give it a shot, *ahem* Hi, I am a relatively new JRPG and FFVII enthusiast. I played the OG for the first time at the beginning of the year, and it's now one of my biggest regret in life to not have played it sooner. As soon as the credits rolled I knew...
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