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  1. S

    Looking for a complete ff7 original pc release

    Is this in the ballpark of what you're looking for? I actually have a copy of FFVII for PC (I think it's from Eidos's Platinum Collection)...
  2. S

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    One thing I hope they retain from the original is having Sephiroth as a temporary party member during Cloud's flashback at Kalm. I seriously enjoyed not only seeing him use high-level spells, but being able to see his stats and equipment. Playing through the game for the first time, I saw his...
  3. S

    Final Fantasy Agito to be terminated and still no information on Final Fantasy Agito+

    Yeah, Final Fantasy Agito + was initially set to release mid January of this year for the Vita. However, the developers said there were some technical issues that they had to address before the game could be released. And while this may be the case, Tabata said, in a Famitsu interview that...
  4. S

    If Sephiroth had a girlfriend, how do you think she'd be?

    I would think that she'd have to be approved by Sephiroth's mother.
  5. S

    How much do you know about FFI-IV?

    Not much, although I hope to learn more.
  6. S

    Where Did Argento Go?

    I wondered what happened to her, too.
  7. S

    Should Square Make One Last Installment In the Compilation or Leave it Hanging?

    For me, it would depend on the direction the remake takes.
  8. S

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    I like the chibi pics!
  9. S

    Final Fantasy 7 Limited Edition PS4?

    I'd be down for purchasing one.
  10. S

    Aerith or Aeris?

  11. S

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    Only if it helps them accomplish their mission.
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