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  1. Wimbly

    Remake hopes and fears survey

    Thanks Lex, I feel the same tbh. Anything that breaks immersion should be avoided really I suppose. Random battles don't bother me either but again that's because I'm used to them too. I hope they improve on FFXIII and XII systems though.
  2. Wimbly

    Remake hopes and fears survey

    That would have only been possible with random battles in the first place though. I'm talking about newer players really.
  3. Wimbly

    Remake hopes and fears survey

    I always wondered how to the leveling progression would work if they took away random encounters. I saw it as a necessary evil in order to make my characters stronger. If they made battles optional wouldn't some players be under leveled going into some areas? I know they could implement a work...
  4. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    My thoughts exactly. Can't wait to finally find out who the voices actually belong to after all these years!
  5. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Love your explanation of Cloud's psychological makeup Starling. Makes a lot sense to me. The fact the Cloud can string a sentence together let alone manage to get himself to Midgar after his experiences is damn impressive in my books!
  6. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content) Sorry to kind of change the subject, but I sincerely hope that the scenes like these are done in a almost semi horror way or something. They need to be quite hard hitting. I remember them really freaking me out first time I saw them so I hope they can...
  7. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Hmm it is an improvement on the CC ending, but I still think Cloud coming across Zacks corpse is just so poignant. I has a hopeless feel to it. Cloud not being able to say goodbye or anything makes it more powerful IMO.
  8. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    All very good points to be fair. Your right, there must have been some semblance of awareness. It could be interpreted as him crawling towards the nearest thing in his immediate vision. He doesn't seem to pay much attention to the corpse next him though. I hope they strike some sort of middle...
  9. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I still don't think it washes that Cloud saw Zack then forgot about him during the time it took him to get to the station. The OG had him unaware of everything. The affects of the mako poisoning/Jenova cells persisted until he was in Tifa's presence. She is the catalyst that Jenova used to...
  10. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I didn't like how CC made it a conscious decision by Cloud to be Zack's 'living legacy'. In the OG Cloud is simply a victim of time and unforeseen occurrence. Its Jenova melding together Clouds personality, not Cloud deciding to live for his lost comrade by living Zack's dream. I think it...
  11. Wimbly

    The Soundtrack

    Anxious Heart is one of my favorite tracks. You just explained to me why, thank you! :D
  12. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I'm definitely for the OG version. Cloud was never actually seen as truly lucid until he meets Tifa at the train station. He does 'wake up' next to Zack and seems to have a seizure whilst holding his head in severe pain. I still don't think he has registered anything at that point, due to the...
  13. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Rewatching those scenes on youtube reminded me how deep they are. Exploring your own childhood and reliving painful memories from deep in your past as if you were there, no wonder Cloud is so damaged. Its also good because you see the pure, original 'unjenovafied' Cloud almost kill Sephiroth...
  14. Wimbly

    The Soundtrack

    Anybody listened to TPR's version of the OST on youtube? Some of them would work well..
  15. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Yeah I knew it was Jenova being controlled or summoned by Sephiroth throughout all those battles, its almost as if she is leaving parts of herself behind or something.
  16. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" One of my favorite movies. That is such a good example actually, it could be fantastic if they take a similar route.
  17. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I agree those scenes have a lot of potential. So what is dreamstate and how would it work? Sounds brilliant for that portion of the game!
  18. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I could've sworn after the first battle against Jenova on the boat Cloud says something like 'that was Jenovas arm'? Might be me dreaming that up though..
  19. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (gameplay/combat)

    I really hope they nail the animations in general but especially in the field (if there is going to be field and battle transitions ofc) awkward animations can be jarring and ruin immersion. Some realistic, individual idle character movement for everyone is great.
  20. Wimbly

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I wonder what models we will get when facing Jenova throughout the story. Obviously its not going to be just recoloured models like the OG so I assume there'll be different models for each? Weren't they all named as body parts? Perhaps they'll start off as an arm or something and then mutate...
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