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  1. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    Wait, so Weiss died prior to DoC?
  2. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    I'm with you there too, the complexity and unpredictability of Genesis is the only reason I liked him. It's the only reason why his poem quotes didn't annoy me very much. He's someone you don't know what to think when you saw him, whether he was going to attack one of the other characters. And...
  3. G

    The one true angel

    I just wanted to say that Sephiroth is kick ass, who could not be a fan, and the part where he kills everyone in the Shinra building was awesome. Most violence I've ever seen to lego people in my life. Even now such lego violence cannot be found. And D&D's signature is awesome.
  4. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    Actually, usually it turns out that anyone trying to "protect" the planet is usually against humanity, for most of them tend to think that humans are destroying the planet. So while they think their good, they're not to the general public, which I think fits Genesis very well. If he was...
  5. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    AVALANCHE was protecting the planet too, and were labeled as good guys. But true, they did end up getting more people killed than helping anything. So it's more of he was implied to be changed to a good guy, but like I said if he were to be a good guy, which I doubt he would, he'd be pretty...
  6. G

    Final Fantasy IX

    Lol, I forgot about the short scene where Barret and Tifa were imprisoned by Rufus, but she rescued herself and got into a bitch slapping contest with Scarlet to make up for it. The gas chamber wasn't a really hard scene, just press a couple buttons and presto. Kuja was scarier than Necron, but...
  7. G

    Final Fantasy IX

    Why like FF9? Vivi, 'nuff said. Garnet is okay, I hated how when she was sad or whatever she couldn't do anything. "Command failed: Garnet can't concentrate" or something like that. I know it technically fit what was going on but I was like COMMON. Tifa is the best heroine, IMO, just because...
  8. G

    What is the oldest FF deserved to be played today?

    Pretty much all ff games "deserve" to at least be tried if you haven't played them. But pre-merger games tend to be my favorites. =)
  9. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    Winkle-picker LMAO Genesis technically became good at the end of CC but I think they should add more to it, like his motives are twisted in some way. The only reason he came off as a good character IMO was that he was crazy, poem obsessed, and unpredictable while trying to make everyone be part...
  10. G

    FF7 relation with FF10

    A game connecting them would be a bit of a shocker. It could basically be a whole entirely new game, with a new cast of characters, and I don't know if it would have the surname 7 or 10. If they did and it turned out good i'd be all for it I guess. I was meaning more of either like saying that...
  11. G

    FF7 relation with FF10

    This is just a question I have on the matter, and didn't know whether it's supposed to be in Compilation general or in the FF general forum, but since I wanted to ask people who know ff7 inside and out, I chose here. If I did something wrong then by all means remove this thread or move it to the...
  12. G

    New Versus Info from Famitsu

    I am really anticipating this game and what I got from the visible encounters and random ones is that it might be a little like Kingdom Hearts when heartless come out of nowhere, making them "random". But maybe not. And as for the the companions, I'm thinking they'll be like donald and goofy and...
  13. G

    Good aspects of the Compilation

    Crisis Core was good for creating a new and decent villain, Genesis, while shedding a little light on Zack. Dirge of Cerberus actually had a very interesting back story with Chaos and Omega. it was only the over the top melodrama which made it come off as cheesy and emo. Not to mention...
  14. G

    New Sephiroth Theory

    I think the reason Sephiroth turned evil in the first place was the shock that he felt when he thought that his mother was an ancient, and that he and his mother were abused by humans in some way. When after finally discovering she was actually what attacked the Ancients, he just assumed his...
  15. G

    Idea for new Compilation game or movie.

    Well it would take a lot of resources and a lot of faith in one game, which would never happen. That statement is not entirely correct either. It was an exaggeration that it would take longer to make the game resemble the older style when it was said that 13 took 4 years and ff7 remake would...
  16. G

    Cloud or Zack?

    Zack is okay, and much more relatable after Crisis Core. However, Cloud pre-Advent Children is pure awesomeness.
  17. G

    Idea for new Compilation game or movie.

    I agree with most fans of ff7 that the compilation did injustice to the characters by making them more cliche than the unique and intriguing characters they were in the original. However, the compilation did open up new areas in the story that could be used to make a truly awesome final game...
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