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  1. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    What the fuck? Been banned for less. *shrugs*
  2. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    I feel old, most of time.
  3. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Tough shit, mate.
  4. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    I haven't the slightest clue if you are a kid or not. Just felt like calling you both kids, since most of the time people on these types of forums tend to be younger than me.
  5. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    I was calling you both kids, silly.
  6. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Wait.. Who said I have kids?
  7. Winter Nights

    Whats the best Music Video Ever?

    MJ's Thriller, with Smooth Criminal being a close second.
  8. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Ehhh.. My lack of sexing is more of a recent thing, though. His is... I think it could be years. Can't remember.
  9. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Aaron and I go way back, so... yah.
  10. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Ah, okay. That makes more sense. Wait... No, that still doesn't make sense. Are you making a "I knocked some chick up." joke?
  11. Winter Nights

    Things that piss you off

    Not getting laid on a regular basis kinda pisses me off, I guess. *shrugs*
  12. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Kids remind you of how horny you are? :huh:
  13. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    Is that my problem? I have my own horniness to deal with, kids.
  14. Winter Nights

    Last Film You've Seen

    "Moonwalker" Yeah... I think I've found my new favorite torture device.
  15. Winter Nights

    What are you listening to?

    "Where I Stood" - Missy Higgins
  16. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    In this day and age, free porn isn't hard to come by. It'd take you less than a minute to find some. People'll get over it.
  17. Winter Nights

    Free Porn!!

    *shrugs* I've been called worse nicknames.
  18. Winter Nights

    Turtles In Time Re-Shelled

    Eh... Doesn't look all that bad. Just nothing new to warrant a download on Xbox Live or PSN. It's just the same exact game with early PS2-esque graphics. Nothing to bitch about, but nothing note-worthy there, either.
  19. Winter Nights

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    I vote Tifa... Just cause she's not dead and, to be blunt, tits.
  20. Winter Nights

    Green Lantern (Film)

    Eh.. I think the writers ruined Deadpool, which is prolly why he opted to do GL instead of the Deadpool spin-off he was pushing for.
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