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  1. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Yay! I'm not the youngest :D
  2. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    I've lived here all my life. ^_^ I like PEI a lot, though, from when I've visited. :3 Hi! :) I'm actually almost 16, too. I'm turning 16 in early February. Well, TFC was very small when I arrived, so I remember basically everybody from when I first joined. I also remember that Clack being...
  3. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Hello! It's nice to meet you. ^_^ I've only ever been to Guelph once or twice, with my choir. Also, wow. That is strange! I guess we Canadians like the name Pyrefly...? I've never actually been to Winnipeg. In fact, I've never actually been to Manitoba. Ah, yes, little Italy. I live near...
  4. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Well, we all just cram into certain areas. We had to study population density maps last year in school, and we really don't take up that much space! It's not as crazy as the one time my mum went to Germany, and somebody told her how he had a Canadian cousin. He told her who it was, and it ended...
  5. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    That's pretty close to where my cousins live, actually. It's a small world...
  6. Pyrefly

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    I'm interested, but not enough to get super hyped up. I'll probably keep track of updates and stuff, though. I am not liking Lightning's new outfit. It just seems a little off to me. Ah, well. As long as some people find it appealing! Also, I agree with Alex Strife. The trailer did feel sort...
  7. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Awesome! Do you know the actual town? I live in Toronto, so I know most of the surrounding area.
  8. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    xD I wasn't scared when I was a kid, just... a little intimidated! I had just gotten into video games when I found this place, and you were all experts and it was just intimidating. I will! :) Thanks! Hello! ^_^ Thank you~
  9. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Hello! :) Where in Canada, out of curiosity? ^_^
  10. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    I think that Toph is the best thing (other than Sokka) to ever happen to A:TLA. She's been my second favourite character (behind Sokka) forever. ^_^ Thanks! :)
  11. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Yeah! :) It's been a while since I've spoken to anybody from TFC (except for Shu, as we keep in touch via tumblr).
  12. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    It must have taken forever to create! Whoever did it has my ultimate respect. I'd lose interest within a few minutes. :O
  13. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    WOAH. That is epic. Hi! :D
  14. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Hi! :) I like your nickname :D DW is awesome. I hope I'll fit in! ^_^
  15. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    There are an awful lot of Cookie Monster smilies here! It's good, though; I like the Cookie Monster (who doesn't?) :D
  16. Pyrefly

    What are you listening to?

    I'm listening to From Up On Poppy Hill's main theme, Sayonara no Natsu. :D
  17. Pyrefly

    Final Fantasy IV Coming to iOS

    How many re-releases of IV does this make? -sigh- I would buy it, but I already have two copies of IV (for the DS and PSP). I don't need another!
  18. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Yay for DW fans! :D Rory is an absolutely fantastic character. Thanks! :D It's nice to meet you. ^_^
  19. Pyrefly

    New! :)

    Hello! :) Hi Zealkin! :) Do you remember me from TFC? I had a billion name changes (I think I started as Twisty and went on to Pyrefly, Rydia, and then Rose Tyler), but I remember we would talk :D
  20. Pyrefly

    What games are you currently playing?

    I'm playing Skyrim and Dissidia, and replaying FFIV. :D
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