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  1. CameoAmalthea

    Revising the Midgar Zolom

    I don't like the idea that there are only two - even if you don't kill it when you fight it because it escapes. I also don't like the idea of "Hey, there's only one left of this creature - let's try to kill it!" I prefer non endangered monsters. More than that, I really don't think they...
  2. CameoAmalthea


    So? Favorite Reno Pairings/Ship and why you like it? Least favorite Reno Pairing and why you don't like it/get it.
  3. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud Attitudes towards being gay have changed a lot sense 1997 - maybe the date with Barret should reflect that. For example - when you come into the show and you're told you're the 100th couple - instead of the announcer saying, "oh never mind" have them...
  4. CameoAmalthea

    Beyond Midgar

    I second this - I want a cut scene where Cloud is mobbed by affectionate cats rubbing against his legs and jumping on his shoulder and the option to come and pet every cat. Interactive cat room- mini game involving petting kitties!
  5. CameoAmalthea

    Revising the Midgar Zolom

    Yeah, I always assumed there were plenty of them in the swamp. It's not some random monster- it's a large and dangerous predator native to the swam and there's a lot of them. Like - if you want to cross the river you should buy a speed boat, these waters are crocodile infested- you get across...
  6. CameoAmalthea

    Beyond Midgar

    Junon: I hope there's still the dolphin - I also want to see if they made it bigger more of a city. I also always liked Kalm.
  7. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    Perhaps I am reading too much into the greeting - but it still seems weird that she's laughing when she answers the phone rather than 'why the hell are you calling me or nearly hanging up" But then maybe I'd be more keen to hold a grudge. I was referring to this line: "After the incident...
  8. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    True - I guess what I'd like is to see more of the On The Way To A Smile Novellas adapted so we can see everyone coping afterwards (and so I can cry over them)
  9. CameoAmalthea

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    James Marsters is ferret-y...his cheek bones frighten me.
  10. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    You know, I think what I'd really like would be more On The Way To A Smile adaptions and interquels explaining how everyone comes to terms with each other- because I just never got the jump from OG to how friendly Tifa is in game. I mean - at the end of the game you have the option not to fight...
  11. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    I'd assume Rufus has some level of control over the WRO even just advisory - just not publicly since it wouldn't go over well since he's not popular since all the blame for what happened landed on him. Or else he just feels he has a responsibility to the world since he was raised to rule it...
  12. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    Oh I'd definitely still have them be killers. I don't really like fanfic that tries to white wash their actions. I like things to stay in shades of grey, no black or white. I think Rufus was great in AC. He's manipulative. In AC he needs Cloud and says what he needs to in order to get Cloud on...
  13. CameoAmalthea

    If Sephiroth had a girlfriend, how do you think she'd be?

    Clearly, Genesis would be a great potential girlfriend.
  14. CameoAmalthea

    Ok, there's something we need to talk about

    It would be such a good marketing opportunity though - multiple plushies and merchandize - licensed cosplays. I mean, they're all about adding realism like in XV with the game mechanics encouraging you to camp at night - why not have clothing changes too? But yeah, unlikely to happen, even...
  15. CameoAmalthea

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Well how did fans depict him pre-BC/AC (BC came first) - I'm sure there are plenty of doujinshi from 1997 - 2004. I think maybe the pretty Reno in fan art is what caused the change. Also now I'm going to imagine Reno staring in Foot Loose Kevin Bacon was not un-pretty.
  16. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    Before Crisis opens with AVALANCHE attempting to blow up a reactor - just like in the original game - but instead of playing as the terrorists you play as a Turk trying to stop it - with emphasis that people will die if the reactor is destroyed. The Turks still do defend Shinra from AVALANCHE...
  17. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    I guess I'm more of a compilation fan and would rather see a remake bring the OG story in line with compilation rather than just ignore it.
  18. CameoAmalthea

    Ok, there's something we need to talk about

    I feel like Nanaki being dressed up needs to be a thing - and they must keep Sailor Suit Nanaki. Also the party trying to pass off Nanaki as their dog or something - just embarrassing Nanaki with silly outfits. And IMHO - Cloud really does come across as an asshole at the beginning of the game...
  19. CameoAmalthea

    Ok, there's something we need to talk about

    I think having coats making you less likely to freeze would be a cool mechanic - since not freezing is a game mechanic all ready. Also omg Cait Sith in a coat would be adorable! Also Nanaki in a coat!
  20. CameoAmalthea

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I'm not saying Reeve is culpable, but I am saying he personally feels he bares blame. So it might make him sympathetic for others in the company. He knows the Turks , he knows their situation - and knows them as people to the extent that he knows they aren't cold blooded killers or monsters. I...
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