Yeah the poem diecussed which bar would be the best. Think he ultimately turned down a yorkie in favour of a twirl, which, like, COME ON, way too crumbly! That really broke my suspension of disbelief I couldn't take any of it serious after that.
I once had to edit a whole book of sex poetry in which a woman got fucked with a chocolate bar that was set in zapfino and a chill just ran through me at seeing the name of that font again.
I understand! But the rules for this subforum are very strict and we have a lot of threads for discussing the various iterations of the ltd. This thread is Remake only, but if you have a look at the first post there's a link to the compilation thread, as well as the rules. Please do your best to...
Hi everyone, please make sure discussion in this thread is kept relevant and on topic! This specific thread is for discussing the LTD in them Remake, there is a separate thread for the compilation and there's a link to it in the first post of this thread. Thanks!