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  1. Yumelinh

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I agree that all resolutions are canon. My point was more that I don't think that SE would reference Tifa's resolution at that particular moment since it looks like a very information dump moment and it would require the player to have got the right resolution to understand that. But I get your...
  2. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    We've been blessed, lol :innocent:
  3. Yumelinh

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    For some reason, I didn't get any notification for new posts here for the past days, but in the end, I got to have a bunch of great posts to read all at once, so all is good :) As for predictions for Part 2, I honestly don't know what to expect, lol. I think both arguments that they can either...
  4. Yumelinh

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    But don't we have many other statements that suggest that they won't deviate too much from OG? As like... there will be changes, but OG will still be recognizable there? Also, Kitase being evasive there can easily be just a way to keep the discussion going until the next installment.
  5. Yumelinh

    What was the deal with Denzel?

    I'm absolutely hurt by the existence of this thread lol Denzel is my pure child!! :rage: Jokes aside, I agree with everything @Ryvius said. Plus, I don't think Denzel's importance was supposed to be more than what was showed to us in ACC, ie. a representation of their past sins and a way for...
  6. Yumelinh

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    @Stiggie We had a similar discussion on this topic not too long ago here, and I think @Theozilla's post summed up this topic in the best possible way: So, I guess this is more about our personal perceptions of love and its aspects. And since the nature of Cloud's feelings for Aerith in OG has...
  7. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    I'm wasn't defending someone vehemently. I'm was simply explaining a point I made that was taken out of context. Based on our most recent posts, we were no longer talking about that person's art, but about criticism in general or ... was it just me? Anyway, I agree we can agree to disagree and...
  8. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    You completely misinterpreted my post and took it to a direction I never intended myself. I was quite clear in my previous post that I think there's a huge difference between being critical of someone's art ( ie. dislike it) and being dismissive, and then I went on explaining what I usually do...
  9. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    That was pretty much @ForceStealer's point in their post and I explained in my next post why I don't think it's the same thing. May I ask what was your interpretation of my statement? Because I was talking about this exact type of behavior in fandom in general. Being overly critical and...
  10. Yumelinh

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    Are we discussing SE being ambiguous and making chaotic decisions/Endings to generate buzz? Aren't they like this all the time? :P:mon:
  11. Yumelinh

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    @odekopeko @minami758 Thank you! :properhug: And yeah, now that you pointed that out, It does seem like their usual cute banter. Cloti's line is also super cute! It's just so nice to see Tifa teasing Cloud with their promise once again ( she mentioned it to him as well at that Shinra HQ scene)...
  12. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    haha, not really :P And I'm actually work with art/creative direction, so I understand that criticism is something normal and something that you must be able to accept without taking it personally or else you're in for a terrible ride in this field. That said, my concern was more about that...
  13. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Liking and disliking an artist's style is absolutely acceptable. Having some criticisms regarding the person's work is also ok, but I personally don't think it's right to criticize the art of someone who is not here to defend/explain themselves. Not trying to be rude here or preaching anything...
  14. Yumelinh

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    So many great posts!! Also, I'm totally in love with that Playstation JP post!! It's so cute! 7/7 should be the FF7 day for real. @insanehobbit You're the second person who recommends this movie to me just this week! I'll take that as a signal to watch it ASAP :D Thanks! @loozzer I don't...
  15. Yumelinh

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

  16. Yumelinh


    Playstation JP celebrating Tanabata day with FF7 ( 07/07 should really be our day now that I think of it :P) PS: Posted in the FC by @odekopeko, but I'm bringing it here as well since it's FF7 related too :)
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