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  1. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Yeah. From my (admittedly amateurish) readings, omoi (想い) has a very serious connotation. There's more heartfelt impact to the feelings it talks about. Sorry, I didn't mean to take away from your point about Cloud being very positive and confident. I was just thinking that I should add to my...
  2. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    On Cloud's Highwind speech, there's another difference I noticed reading the JP script for the original game. The same lines in the JP script: 「みんなで行こう」 「エアリスの想い……」 「星にとどいたはずなのに 邪魔されて身動きできないでいる……」 「エアリスの想い、解き放つんだ!」 The word that was translated as "memories" in the English game was originally...
  3. Shadowfox

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    Got fired up by the discussions about Tifa's fighting prowess in the CT club so I went looking for some battle gifs: Bonus:
  4. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Yeah, I remember that topic. IMO, Cloud was not dancing to make Aerith happy. He looked so miserable up on stage, like he was just trying to get it over with. Aerith tells him, "C'mon. Don't you wanna save Tifa?" just outside of the Honeybee Inn when he shows reluctance to getting fitted out...
  5. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    She does seem to be unstoppable for those player who're able to get a hang of her fighting style. I saw a video of her going 'solo' against Shiva and Tifa finished her off in 1 minute. There was a thread in GameFAQs shortly after the Remake was released where someone asked what advantage there...
  6. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    First time I saw "Tifaret" was in a Plot Analysis written by Squall_of_SeeD (aka TresDias) on GameFAQS shortly after Advent Children came out. I'm not sure if it had been mentioned anywhere else before his...
  7. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Japanese version of the promise flashback: I love Cloud's "Huuuh?!" when Tifa comes up with the promise. It sounds equal parts incredulous and disbelieving, like it completely blew his mind that Tifa would actually want HIM to be there for her.
  8. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    It was mentioned in the ultimanias that part of OG Cloud's fake persona was based off of Tifa's memories of young Cloud in Nibelheim. I think some of that coldness might have stemmed from there because, as a kid, Cloud was aloof, thought of himself as "better than the others", and frequently got...
  9. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Is it weird that I built up a headcanon about how the Nibel mountain range is a region where the lifestream naturally converges? And that over the generations, Nibelheim built up a lot of legends and superstitions to explain any weird phenomena that came about due to their exposure to the...
  10. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Stepping in late here, but hope you'll indulge me on my two cents. Right now, I think Aerith, especially if she has mystically gained the knowledge of the OG events, would step back because she's more aware of Cloud's messed up mental situation. Her dialling back on romantic intentions isn't...
  11. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Absolutely! Aerith is capable and resourceful. She can't beat people up physically like Cloud and Tifa can, but her skill with magic (and the odd chair here and there) means that she's far from helpless. The Remake positions both Cloud and Tifa as the protectors of the group and of Aerith in...
  12. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    You're right, she's never been a damsel in distress, even in the OG (as sparse as it was about other party members besides Cloud). But back then, a not insignificant number of gamers who played the OG took her asking Cloud to promise to save her as the setup for being nothing more than a DID. A...
  13. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Cloud's a naturally sensitive person and I'm sure that he feels the need to step up and help others on his own. However, given that his insecurities were what stopped him from getting close to other people, I also think that Cloud's desire and promise to protect Tifa might have been the...
  14. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I want to check about this particular line from the scene in Tifa's room: The line in the Japanese script was: 本当はみんなといっしょに遊びたいのに どうしても、仲間に入れてって言えなかった Which looks to me is more: "I really wanted to play with everyone, but I just couldn't tell them to join me/let me in" Is my reading of the...
  15. Shadowfox

    The OG+the Compilation

    I'm sure Barret prefers mature women too. (Coincidentally, Barret/Elmyra happens to be one of my crack ships, partly because I think Aerith would find it hilarious to have Barret as her stepdad.)
  16. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    The LTD's been a source of pure crack theories over the years. Like the one about how kid Cloud actually hated kid Tifa and only wanted to be friends with the other kids, but Tifa held all the power in the village (including the power to dictate who could be friends with whom). So kid Cloud's...
  17. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Personally, from listening to that clip, I think that Cloud sounds like he's chastising her. So I'm okay with the "What the hell?" line because I think it matches with the tone that Cloud's Japanese VA used.
  18. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I like this reciprocal thing between them. When each sees the other behaving recklessly or carelessly and putting themselves at risk, they take them to task. Cloud does it here and at Corneo's mansion to Tifa, and she does the same to him after the Rufus fight.
  19. Shadowfox

    The OG+the Compilation

    Just a quick comment, but, mechanically, Aerith starting off with 20 more points is due to her transferring her pre-existing feelings for Zack onto Cloud, who reminds her of her first love.
  20. Shadowfox

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    As Eerie said, interpretations like that aren't done in good faith. The ones who do it aren't interested in looking at the story and the characters; they're there to elevate their ship above all else. Tifa can't be seen by them as any kind of person; she's just reduced to the obstacle to their...
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