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  1. Vorona

    Can someone change my username?

    Could I have mine changed to Vorona please? Cheers :)
  2. Vorona

    More Square games headed for PSN

    Heck yeah! I'm all for older titles been released again & i'm happy that seems to be the one thing SE and myself agree on. Hopefully this means they'll be released in Europe cause yeah, we never got Xenogears & i'd love to y'know, actually play it :monster:
  3. Vorona

    Derren Brown

    It didn't work on me the first time, so I rewound it on Sky and tried it again with my sister. It didn't fully work on me, although my hands did feel quite heavy and it was hard to lift them. My little sister though was stuck to her chair for about 10 minutes afterwards which was pretty weird...
  4. Vorona

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Wow, that's the first time i've actually seen the PHS, i'd always just assumed it was a flip phone like in AC for some reason. Funky colour scheme :monster: As for the Tifa being left behind quote, I saved it a while back to use in an old LTD because it was one of the main quotes that struck me...
  5. Vorona

    Muse and Twilight

    The funny thing is that Supermassive Blackhole had already been out for about 2 years before the film came out anyway, so it's not like they even specifically wrote it for the soundtrack or anything :monster: I love Muse, I dislike Twilight. Therefore I just ignore Twilight like any other sane...
  6. Vorona

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Only to those of us with ebil Cloti minds :awesome: That claim seems a bit strange to me, considering how straight before the ellipses Tifa says "words aren't the only way to show how you feel". I don't know, considering what she just said I don't see how Cloud's "....." is a refusal. I took...
  7. Vorona

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    But don't you see? We're just silly Westerners who don't understand that FFVII is full of Japanese symbols and cultural influence which makes Clerith so obvious everyone in Japan knows that it is the OTP of VII. Our black Cloti minds just don't understand this, as we're superficial and obviously...
  8. Vorona

    Can someone change my username?

    Elle Please and thank you :)
  9. Vorona

    When you first played through you thought...

    Yeah same here. People can say what they want about the Compilation "ruining" VII, but it definitely helped expand my knowledge of the game. The first time I played through I didn't fully grasp the concept of Cloud's messed up memories/persona either. I always thought it weird that after you...
  10. Vorona

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    This. That's a major problem in debating. People see CloudxAerith as being this beautiful, tragic, fantastic couple which is so much more interesting than "boring, realistic" CloudxTifa, so therefore Clerith must be canon. What they don't seem to realise is that canon doesn't work this way...
  11. Vorona

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Re: Hope v 2.0 Ah, I can't believe I haven't joined this yet. Zerith is my favourite pairing of VII, it has the whole "really-cute-but-really-tragic" thing working well for it. I haven't finished CC yet (i've kinda got addicted to FFXII :monster:) but my sister has...
  12. Vorona

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Re: Love Triangle Discussion Not to mention that the commercial at face value doesn't help Cleris anyway. "A love that could never be."
  13. Vorona

    Favourite Final Fantasy character(s)?

    IV - Cecil, Rosa, Rydia VII - I liked all the cast tbh, but standouts are Aerith, Tifa, Cloud, Zack, Yuffie, Cid, Barret, Cait Sith (yes, i'm a Cait fan ::)), all the Turks VIII - Rinoa, Selphie, Zell, Seifer, Quistis IX - Zidane, Garnet, Vivi X - Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Wakka XII - Fran...
  14. Vorona

    Stephen King pwns Stephenie Meyer FGJ (Now the general "Twilight Sucks" thread)

    Re: Stephen King pwns Stephanie Meyer FGJ Haha Twilight.... I hate that series. If not for the crap writing, shit Mary Sue characters and non-existant plot or the batshit insane fangirls, then it's for the abusive and sexist undertones. "Hey girls, it's okay for your boyfriend...
  15. Vorona

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Re: Love Triangle Discussion Ugh that club is horrible. They say they're Cloud fans yet in that club they have serious discussions of how they want Cloud to die, where to bury him and what to put on his gravestone. *Is slightly disturbed* Because we're just nasty rabid...
  16. Vorona

    Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club

    *pops in* A Nanaki club? Oooh count me in :)
  17. Vorona

    FFIV the After release....on the 360?,,if so BS!

    So? Isn't it good that SE are broadening their horizons a bit? It's a games console that's popular and has good sales, it makes sense for SE to take advantage of it and release games for it. Sorry, but I just don't understand why so many people seem so against FF going on...
  18. Vorona

    FFIV the After release....on the 360?,,if so BS!

    Dude, where do you live? It's complete opposite where I am. Over here the 360 is by far the most popular console for gamers, excluding the Wii. The PS3 is the least popular console, and the Sony aisles are always the least crowded. That's why I get why SE are releasing XIII on the 360...
  19. Vorona


    Okay that seals the deal for me, i'm definatly going to get a PS3 :monster: I'm actually really excited for the film now, that trailer was awesome and was definatly better than what I expected. And those blueray visuals are so very nice :P
  20. Vorona

    List your offical FF7 stuf

    Original game, non-platinum version which I managed to find for £12.99 last year. Ebay ftw :D AC, CC, DoC, original game and CC strategy guides. The only real "non-game" thing I have is a FFVII Aerith playarts figure, which was a gift from a friend :)
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