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  1. Sheva Alomar

    The Last of Us

    That is why they changed her look. Ellen Paige has her own game now, Beyond: Two Souls.
  2. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Honestly, as far as presentations went, each of the Big Three can learn from one another. Nintendo knows how to present GAMES, Sony knows how to visually appeal to the masses and Microsoft...uh, they have shitloads of money to spend, clearly. :monster:
  3. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    It was. FIllping that table yet? :monster: Edit: He already did it.
  4. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    ACIII confirmed for WiiU.
  5. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Nintendo: Let's make ALL OF THE MARIO GAMES
  6. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Holy fucking shit, ME3 is going to the WiiU. Edit: Lots of Xbox/PS3 games are scooting over to the WiiU. This includes Darksiders II and Ninja Gaiden 3.
  7. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Arkham City: Armoured Edition is going to the WiiU.
  8. Sheva Alomar

    Gears of War: Judgment

    Kantus...on a bloodmount OMG THAT IS A KANTUS ON A BLOODMOUNT
  9. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    lol watch "INTRODUCING... FFXV ON THE NINTENDO WII U" :monster:
  10. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    As gimmicky as motion controls are, I don't have as much of a problem with them as I did before. I don't mind if they stay, so long as their presence pops up in modest bits.
  11. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Sony really needs to whip up a new business plan. Wonderbook will bring them no money and everyone stopped buying the PS Move months ago. Sony needs to chuck the Move, focus on the PS3 console and the Vita. If they want to get back into the motion control war, then they need to follow in the...
  12. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    Okay Wonderbook, that's enough. Have a seat.
  13. Sheva Alomar

    Assassin's Creed (series)

    Looks SO GOOD HNNNGH Also, Connor looks like Keeno.
  14. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    No. I'm waiting for the Sony Press Conference. I'm really hoping it will be the one to announce some new IPs and showcase The Last of Us.
  15. Sheva Alomar

    E3 2012

    ITT: Brent goes full fanboy.
  16. Sheva Alomar

    Dead Space 3

    I WOULD LIKE IT MORE ACTIONY SO THAT I AM NOT CONSTANTLY SHITTING MYSELF Then again I don't take kindly to any sort of horror video games. ;o;
  17. Sheva Alomar

    leora and rishi go to silent hill

    Pretty sure Bex was referring to the VERY REAL ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE that is about to go down.
  18. Sheva Alomar

    Injustice Gods Among Us

  19. Sheva Alomar

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    I changed the title just in case the rumours are true. :monster:
  20. Sheva Alomar

    Rumor: Kingdom Hearts HD remake to be announced at E3

    It would make sense if they re-released Birth by Sleep in HD since it will now be on the PS3 and not the PSP. Lots of PS3 customers don't have the handheld companion so putting BBS on this new, ported collection would be smart and appreciated.
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