oh damn.. Fortresexlock sound good, Avengu is Avengu, applername is canon, hitoDias is a biological need and The mansername is more canon than applername.... damn.. :aah:
maybe he simply had the draft (dunno how to translate in english).
for exemple in italy untill idon'tremmebertheyear every male between 18-20 had to receive military training for 1 year iirc
that you may are a spy or you're are in a team but you want to help the other side. or you are a good guy who snap and became evil. or you are both good and evil. or maybe you simply are neutral. i don't know :monster:
i'll go with some friends (one is sure, the others not so much), but probably i'll watch it more than twice (once i'll go to watch it in english instead of italian ^_^)