Search results

  1. Captain Jack Harkness

    Best Ship

    oh damn.. Fortresexlock sound good, Avengu is Avengu, applername is canon, hitoDias is a biological need and The mansername is more canon than applername.... damn.. :aah:
  2. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Predictable

    what, i forgot to nominate Matt? damn, i have to chose someone else..
  3. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Likely to Be a Username Dupe

    what if we all are Username? or if Username is us all?
  4. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Likely to Try to Take Over the World

    because nobody think you'll try to take over the world. :thor:
  5. Captain Jack Harkness

    Best Ship

    but you can say it becasue you're cthulhu :awesome:
  6. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Talented (Art, Writing, Music, etc.)

    lic for writing and GLD for teh spritez
  7. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

    maybe he simply had the draft (dunno how to translate in english). for exemple in italy untill idon'tremmebertheyear every male between 18-20 had to receive military training for 1 year iirc
  8. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Suited to Be on Chaos' Side

    that you may are a spy or you're are in a team but you want to help the other side. or you are a good guy who snap and became evil. or you are both good and evil. or maybe you simply are neutral. i don't know :monster:
  9. Captain Jack Harkness

    The Hobbit

    we european win :awesome:
  10. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    you aren't a blitzballer, are you :monster: ?
  11. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    are you from a universe where ivalice exist?
  12. Captain Jack Harkness

    The Hobbit

    i'll go with some friends (one is sure, the others not so much), but probably i'll watch it more than twice (once i'll go to watch it in english instead of italian ^_^)
  13. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    are you pre-FFVII?
  14. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    are you a good guy?
  15. Captain Jack Harkness

    Least Likely to Be Sexually Active

    yop can't win because of
  16. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    Are you Larsa?
  17. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

    Finally voted for GLD because i can't see how some zombies could kill the Devil/ the Death :monster:
  18. Captain Jack Harkness

    Who am I?

    Do you appear in tactic ?
  19. Captain Jack Harkness

    Most Likely to Try to Take Over the World

    Because i'm a egocentric evil dude voted by nobody :thor:
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