Ite is a triple-threat thespian (acting, singing, dancing), his recent writing is impressive and his intuition and execution of storytelling ranks really damn high.
Oh, also, he's an excellent saxophonist, guitarist, pianist, composer and lyricist. And he can beatbox. And draw passingly well.
Uhhhh sorry guys, my vote goes to him by dint of how he can do EVERYTHING.
This category is impossible to place a single vote in.
- Lic is a fantastic writer
- Kiigen is a really talented animator (a lot of people are average plus but he's got real talent)
- Kassi is so awesome wit the hooping, and it's such an original thing to do
- Pixel does the audiobooks so well
- S and G for his writing
I can do more than just sprite edits ya know, I can... oh yeah you guys have never read my writing, seen me fight, or heard me sing (except some of you who drink with me now and then) Oh well, I'm gonna vote Kassi for TEH FIRE HOOPS!!1! even though fucking everyone in this poll is talented.
I'll post a link to some of our band stuff. I won't post any of the gushy theatre reviews of his performances in his latest roles without his permission though, as that uses his real name etc.
That last post I made sounds sorta ungrateful when I read it back now, did it come across that way to anyone else? T'was supposed to be funny, but yeah re-reading it now it sounds sorta jerkish. I really don't even think I belong in this thread, since most of my real talents are unseen by you folks, and thus I AM very grateful for the nomination and any votes I get.
Just thought I'd clear that up, a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend
It's a strong field, but I haven't seen the creative work of many candidates, which narrows down my options somewhat. I'll give my vote to Kiigen for his neat animations. He deserves at least one vote!
Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon