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  1. Dana Scully

    TLS Character Battle: Qualifying Stage

    Lightning, Freya, Kefka, Yuffie
  2. Dana Scully

    TRANSLATION OPPORTUNITY: SaGa Frontier 2: Perfect Works

    Sent 25$ just to be safe from money conversions and transfer fees and shit.
  3. Dana Scully

    TRANSLATION OPPORTUNITY: SaGa Frontier 2: Perfect Works

    I can chip in, how much more exactly do you need?
  4. Dana Scully

    Happy Birthday Trainer Red!

    happy birthday red!
  5. Dana Scully

    Joss Whedon seems ready to do more Firefly if anyone calls him

    No worries, I didn't take it personally or anything :monster: Executive meddling is always extremely frustrating. even though this is logical it still makes me massive sadface ;_______;
  6. Dana Scully

    Staff Audit and Critique: Round 2

    I think it's been so inactive because for the most part people's feelings regarding individual mods haven't changed since the last audit. At least that's how I feel, with the exception of Ryu, who I think has done very well and I'd be all for him getting his mod powerz back. I think people are...
  7. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

  8. Dana Scully

    Joss Whedon seems ready to do more Firefly if anyone calls him

    Huh, I was not aware of that. :monster: Nothing pisses me off like due to corporate bullshit, so in this case I would be much more okay with a retcon.
  9. Dana Scully

    Joss Whedon seems ready to do more Firefly if anyone calls him

    Nah, none of the writers are the same afaik. It's just Andrew W Marlowe/Terri Miller and their knack for finding awesome writers plus a willingness to make shoutouts to all of the actors' old roles.
  10. Dana Scully

    Joss Whedon seems ready to do more Firefly if anyone calls him

    Aha, I loved that. There's also
  11. Dana Scully

    If you had only two Materia

    Manipulate and a maxed Enemy Skill would be my choices. From a purely plot pov Manip would be very useful, and the nice thing about maxed Enemy Skill materia is you always have something useful you can cast no matter the situation.
  12. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    i unlocked that assault rifle that shoots grenades (m37 falcon i think?) and it's hella fun, it staggers just about everything except boss units only character i've unlocked so far though is the turian soldier which makes me kinda sad since i've already got my bf3 soldier to level 20 wtb...
  13. Dana Scully

    If you had only two Materia

    Does it have to be only materia you'd have access to at that point in the game (AKA bolt/ice/cure/fire/poison(?)/sense/steal uhhh might be missing some but you get the point :monster:) or can it be any materia?
  14. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    totally not contributing anything useful to topic but i just want to say wow that simile was glorious i salute you and your ff nerdiness
  15. Dana Scully

    Joss Whedon seems ready to do more Firefly if anyone calls him

    tbqh i love firefly and NF especially but i honestly feel it's time to just let go and as tragic as Serenity was i hate major retcons, even in the name of not to say i wouldn't watch it if it did happen, ofc, i just wouldn't push for it
  16. Dana Scully

    Happy birthday, Force!

    hb force you ammo-stealing bitch <3 hope it's a good one
  17. Dana Scully

    Happy Birthday Tenny!!

    happy birthday tenny dear <333 hope it's awesome
  18. Dana Scully

    Last Film You've Seen

    double post because Wild Target oh my god this movie is fantastic Bill Nighy is absolutely fabulous as a sexually confused hitman and Emily Blunt is the best klepto ever and Rupert Grint is all adorably loserish and 10/10
  19. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    Honestly I loved pretty much all her moments, especially in regards to Thessia and .
  20. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    Yeah I really liked Liara in this game, I feel like her character has steadily improved since ME1 and she ended up being one of my ultimate favourites by the end of 3.
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