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  1. Dana Scully

    Happy Birthday Splintered!

    Happy birthday Splintered!
  2. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    So making perfectly valid criticisms about an ending that was irrefutably full of plotholes/coming up with fan theories to explain said plotholes/making fun of said plotholes is all just 'bitching'? :/ Anyways, I was meaning to ask earlier -does anyone know if in the dream sequences, if you...
  3. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    Yeah I got the invite after the Collector Base I think.
  4. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    You just accept her dinner offer but don't romance her during it IIRC.
  5. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    You can friend-dinner, that's what I did. Still somehow missed her though in ME3.
  6. Dana Scully

    Last Film You've Seen

    the blind side sandra bullock is fabulous that is all
  7. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

  8. Dana Scully


    Shepard. :monster:
  9. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

  10. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    Yeah I have to say as an Infiltrator on normal with maxed time-dilation I could often just stand out in the open for extended periods of time because I could headshot everything before it would be able to do any significant damage. Though the bits I played on Insanity that strategy did not work...
  11. Dana Scully

    so uhm, probably going to be on a really long hiatus

    Sorry to hear all that Mira >: best of luck, we'll all be thinking of you
  12. Dana Scully

    Music editing programs

    If you want to make AMVs I highly suggest getting your hands on a copy of Sony Vegas (which is prohibitively expensive, so getting hands on will unfortunately probably = pirating). It'll allow you much more accurate trimming of both music and clips than WMM, not to mention all the sweet effects...
  13. Dana Scully

    Tim Burton's Dark Shadows

    even if it's been done before > i like tim burton > i love hbc > i love jd yeah i'll see this
  14. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    So I'm replaying the ending
  15. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

  16. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

  17. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    [/COLOR]I don't see why this would rule out any DLC [/COLOR]
  18. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    I had Kaidan in my playthrough.
  19. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    edit: added youtube link
  20. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

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