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  1. N

    What are you listening to?

    Our Lady Peace - Automatic Flowers
  2. N

    The WEAPONS are here. And they're pissed. *SPOILERS*

    But didn't they make extensive use of materia?
  3. N

    So, where's everyone from?

    Come to think of it, USMA @ West Point looks like a castle. Or at least a fortress.
  4. N

    Piece of shit endings

    I was like what the fuck, how did I miss out on those games? I thought Revenge of the Fallen had a craptacular ending. + I agree w/ all Mario games having really disappointing endings. Of course they don't have much (any) plot to resolve, but surely we can come up with some interesting...
  5. N

    So, where's everyone from?

    Man, why can't we have castles in the US? Nope, just another white mexican in a sea of them.
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    Last Film You've Seen

    Ice Age 3 in 3D. 3D is the biggest scam in history. "To protect the environment, please recycle your glasses after viewing. Thank you and enjoy the movie." Right, so you fuckers can enjoy selling them back to me for the eighth time in a row. Can I raise a practical question at this point? Are...
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    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    I respectful-ly disagree. :)
  8. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Oh. Well, she speaks in the plural. That alone should cover it.
  9. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Yeah, that's why I think it's kind of weak. I think the memory refers to the people he "failed" to save.
  10. N

    So, where's everyone from?

    San Antonio, Texas, y'all. *tips hat* Eh, are you COMPLETELY against taking a high-end government job? Because it's all govies and contractors around here. The cost of living is fucking insane. Anything house less than $400k is a dump.
  11. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    It's probably the quote from Cloud's VA. He made a parallel between those lines.
  12. N

    Piece of shit endings

    Assassin's Creed Gay ending is gay (and really not an ending at all) a_2U_tWLVhE
  13. N

    Piece of shit endings

    Discuss endings that chap your ass. One caveat: the game has to be remotely playable. :monster: It's your own fault if you finished Fester's Quest. dJjEviCbMZQ Oh, and use spoilers as appropriate. For example
  14. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    The specific things we make fun of in here came from ACF. I.e. Alex and his "floating ribbon" theory.
  15. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    What sucks is that we can't show you the legendary ACF threads where it all started.
  16. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    A lot can happen when the lights go down. :shifty:
  17. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    My point exactly. :monster:
  18. N

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Who the fuck raises children with their college roomates?
  19. N

    What is the most thought-provoking game you've ever played?

    The MGS series does have some serious philosophical undercurrents. Whether they're ambitious to the point that it hurts other aspects of the story is debatable, I suppose.
  20. N

    Ivalice Alliance/the Final Fantasy Tactics Page

    Sounds like you leveled up too fast, old chap. :P Just hang in until you get Orlandu, at which point you're basically invincible.
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