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  1. Marle

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Okay, I told myself I'd stay out of this. And for the most part, I will. But there's just one thing that's been said a lot that bothers me to no end. Let me say this: Tifa and Aerith both loved Cloud. As in, lovers. They wanted to date him, fuck him and have his children. Whatever the heck it...
  2. Marle

    T&A; Tifa and Aerith

    I really need to write up an AerTi one-shot for this club because it needs massive love. But for now, how about some cute AerTi fanart? Because AerTi will always top clerith and cloti COME AT ME BRO
  3. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    So I've been crazy busy with school and work and therefore, not able to post as much as I like. But I did notice that this fanclub needs more love lately and all the anti cloti bullshit is inspiring me. FANART SPAM TIME
  4. Marle

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    PHOENIX DOWN. What songs remind you guys of Zerith? This is one I personally always link to the pairing, specifically from Aerith's POV. :) kfkmE9HzKy4 It's sad and kind of captures the tragedy of the Zerith pairing. :(
  5. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Finding out the person you've liked for a while now because he was a gentleman is actually a douche bag and not who you thought he was at all. So much disappointment. -_-
  6. Marle

    tumblr thread :0

    Because we <3 you. :3
  7. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    :aah: OMGAD THAT FANART. I...I love it. All saved. Saved. Damn it clerith, why so pretty?! Oooh, it's cool that there's more clerith fans here now! :D Welcome, welcome! The friendly cloti doesn't bite. 8D I'm not exactly a member of this club but I love art and clerith art is always so pretty...
  8. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    ... That comic only made me ship AerTi ten times harder. Was it supposed to do that or...?
  9. Marle

    *~FairHeart~* ZackxTifa FC

    I WILL JOIN. Only because I ship almost every crack Tifa pairing in history. :D That fanart! <3 You guys are awesome. I never even knew there was so much Fack fanart! :D Oh, I uh...wrote a Fack one-shot a while ago...? I'll post it up here if anyone wants to read. :)
  10. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    I don't ship clerith, I swear I don't but... but... UNF WHY DO THEY HAVE TO LOOK SO GOOD WITH EACH OTHER?! >.< Or maybe because I'm just in love with Aerith's dissidia design, that could be it. That being said, you guys did an awesome job! :D The icons are pretty and the dissidia pics are...
  11. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Boy trouble. It frustrates me so fucking much. >< Why can't I just read minds and get it over with already?! My life would be so much simpler. *sigh*
  12. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I think all these confessions are just stupid, like everyone has been saying, even the 'good' ones. They were cool for a little while but now they're just plain irritating. The comments people are leaving on them are ridiculous, whether bad or good and to mock people's fanart is also sort of...
  13. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I grew to like Vanille, actually. She doesn't top Tifa but really, no one does in my fangirl mind but she's still a cool character. I'm not crazy about Terra, tho but she is hella popular, so that's a load of crap. FANART WOO. Loving all the ones you guys are posting! :D Time for me to post...
  14. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    O LOOK GAIZ. ANOTHER ONE WITHIN THE SPAN OF THE SAME DAY SPEWING THE SAME BULLSHIT. :D Agree with Tifabelle about them using people's fanart. I'd be pissed if someone took a drawing of mine about a character I like and wrote shit like this over it.
  15. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Thankfully, I've only seen one anti Aerith one and I think I left a nasty comment on it, too. Sort of like I did with the anti Tifa one :awesome: Sometimes, I wish certain people would just not be in one of my fave fandoms. They ruin things for everyone. Seriously, :gtfo:
  16. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    There should be a confession for this. :lol: I didn't mind the confessions when they were general or funny. But the hate that's coming out in them is starting to get absurd. I'd believe it were just one person if it didn't get so many notes of other people leaving even worse comments than the...
  17. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    They aren't 'confessions' to anything. They're just stupid opinions no one would really care about if they weren't put into this dumb 'confession' crap. I think I stumble across at least one anti cloti/tifa confession every few days. It's ridiculous. Here's the newest ones I've seen: And...
  18. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    People are using the confessions crap as an outlet for debating, basically. And it's sparking so much drama and pissing me off a tad. >(
  19. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    So...anyone else getting agitated by all the anti cloti 'confessions' going around on tumblr? >> By the way, nice fanart! :D I should get to posting some eventually.
  20. Marle

    Your favourite FFX character

    I went with Yuna. I love Rikku to bits, too. Actually, I loved all the chicks in FFX. But for some reason, I have this soft spot for Yuna. I tend to identify with her better, I guess. She's a little more quiet, gullible and trusts people way too easily. Not to mention, extremely indecisive :P...
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