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  1. Marle

    Can someone change my username?

    Alice please! :D
  2. Marle

    What makes your day

    Dance dance dancing tonight! ~ <3 Can't fucking wait to dance. :D
  3. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Why does every good game have to come out in November? D: I'm gonna be so broke, it isn't even funny. :(
  4. Marle

    LTD Who did Aerith love?

    This probably makes the most sense, actually. :)
  5. Marle

    What anime do you think deserve a reboot?

    This isn't the first generation that this has been happening to. Recycling old shit has been happening in entertainment since before any of us were even born. K, chill. It was just my opinion. I love Cowboy Bebop and an alternative ending would be pretty cool to see. Plus, anime these days is...
  6. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Fine. Here's some actual Cloti fanart that is most unquestionably cloti.
  7. Marle

    What anime do you think deserve a reboot?

    Cowboy Bebop. Where ya know I agree with YYH. No reason needed. Just because it's awesome. :D
  8. Marle

    LTD Who did Aerith love?

    I always thought that because Aerith is all cetra and magical, that she wouldn't turn to goo. Whereas Zack probably stuck around because of Cloud and Aerith's memories and attachment to him. But, eventually, he'd vanish because, y'know...they can't all be cetras and cool like that. :P
  9. Marle

    LTD Who did Aerith love?

    It starts reminding me of that really disturbing cloud and aerith fanfiction where cloud has sex with aerith's ghost/dead body/lifestream juice. So yeah, I'm getting creeped out. Just a little. D: YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BLAME ME FOR THAT THO. D:
  10. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    Clerith fanart for the clerith fans on TLS. :P
  11. Marle

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    I bring more fanart :D
  12. Marle

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    I like that first one. It sort of reminds me of this fanfic idea I had brewing in my head for a while now. But the plot for it is so convoluted and confusing, I still need to figure out stuff. But basically, it was going to have extreme amounts of AerTi fluff. >D
  13. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    Yes you can join! :D No worries, there's so much fanart pouring out for this pairing, mine are probably all outdated. :P
  14. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    LOL I'm not sure but I found it under the cloti tag on tumblr? And tumblr never lies. :D Maybe Cloud's hair is down? :D I've drawn him with his hair down before. The tattoos are what I have no explanation for but I'll be happy pretending it's them anyways. :P
  15. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I found a replacement for that picture. I will never want to unsee this
  16. Marle

    LTD Who did Aerith love?

    How I see this whole thing: Aerith meets Zack. Zack is charming, flirty and obviously interested in Aerith. Not just because she's a 'cetra' but also because she's different from the other girls and that's why he's more serious about her. He is faithful to her (calling another girl pretty is...
  17. Marle

    What do you think about Cloud?

    Not his fault they made Tifa's boobs jiggle in that game. What's the poor guy to do? :wacky: *iz not trollin*
  18. Marle


    I like you. And I have friended you. I also stalk you on tumblr. :D You got a friend in me ~<3 zB2gPZRsz0Q So please don't do anything like that... :(
  19. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Leaving Cuba. :( I miss it. </3
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