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  1. S and G

    Forceful conscription?

    During the Wutai War, DG SOLDIERs were used to covertly rescue wounded SOLDIERs and bring them back to the infirmary at DG. Some training missions also take place outside DG, but the majority are in a VR chamber.
  2. S and G

    There had to be more entrances to Gold Saucer, and other intricacies.

    It start shortly before FF7. Sometime between Genesis being taken to/leaving DG and the start of the original game, so there's only a couple of months it could be.
  3. S and G

    When was Gold Saucer built?

    There is a sub games section in BC that includes games at the Gold Saucer and chocobo racing. I don't know how far into the game you have to be to unlock it, but bear in mind chapters 16 and 17 of BC take place just before the destruction of Corel and the story then leaps to three years later...
  4. S and G

    When you first played through you thought...

    Hoohoo made the same mistake with the wall boss. I can actually remember thinking in my first full playthrough that the wall boss was by far the toughest to beat. Other than Rapps on the Wutai mission when you had no idea what was going on and no Materia. Tough times. I also have vivid...
  5. S and G

    When you first played through you thought...

    I remember I was pretty young when I first played the game and was afraid of losing in battle, so constantly ran away from enemies. Then I got into a fight with Jenova BIRTH on the cargo ship at like lv15 or something. FAIL!!!!!
  6. S and G

    There had to be more entrances to Gold Saucer, and other intricacies.

    Going back to the original topic... In DoC Online you get to fight battles in the desert in an area that look suspiciously like a possible construction site for the Gold Saucer. Any thoughts?
  7. S and G

    Synopsis of History of Deepground

    I think writing any more on this is something that will take place further down the line. For the time being, i'd like to focus on my novel (the link for which is in my sig for anyone interested). Mako says he's hoping to get this frontpaged asap so hopefully we can expect it in the near...
  8. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    I think we've all learned something today... *Cue melancholy South Park reflective music* Much like Cait Sith's accent, SND, virus-spreading aliens, Rufus' BC haircut, Christopher, AC's motorbike physics, Red XIII's lifespan, the Gold Saucer's rapid construction, Heidegger's laugh, the purpose...
  9. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    I think you've missed the point. Like Ryushikaze said, your logic is based on something that is deliberately present in the game to encourage replay value. Ryushikaze hit the nail on the head with the whole New Game+ argument. Part of WEAPON-D mode is where you have to rescue comrades who...
  10. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    It takes place in an alternative dimension with characters who are not otherwise occupied and thus has no effect on anyone else so it's neither here nor there whether it's canon. You are correct that WEAPON-D mode was just a side quest to give veteran players a chance to enter into an epic...
  11. S and G


    The B1a helicopter is the silver one from FF7 but I dunno if there has been an official name for the CC one. Maybe some can double check the ultimania but i'm sure it's not been mentioned. The same one appears in AC so it could just be updated artwork in which case it would be the same model...
  12. S and G

    Synopsis of History of Deepground

    The synopsis is complete. Hope you all enjoy it. I think this will be getting front paged anyway. Again, anything I've missed, let me know. The aim is to get as full a picture as possible. Depending on how I feel in the future, I might actually continue the synopsis to make it even longer...
  13. S and G

    Synopsis of History of Deepground

    Actually, Genesis personally plays a very small role in the whole thing. Sorry to burst that bubble. And Nero and Weiss are definitely not twins. Weiss is older by a few years. They have the same biological mother but there is no mention of a father.
  14. S and G


    Maybe Hojo was all about the cross-species relationships. Breeding different species of monster in his lab. Imagine the possibilities: crossing an elphadunk with a stilva to get a six-legged, pincer-trunked, bubble-blowing enemy. You could get anything imaginable. Maybe that's how...
  15. S and G

    Synopsis of History of Deepground

    Another few pieces added. Again, new pieces in yellow for all to see. Mainly includes info on Deepground's layout and Argento. EDIT: named Weiss' gunblades because forgot to do it earlier. All that remains now is Azul's part and a small section on Genesis and Weiss's plot IF ANYONE CAN...
  16. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    Oops, also forgot to mention that half of the time spent fighting Jade WEAPON actually takes place in an alternative dimension (WEAPON-D Mode) which means it could have been anywhere
  17. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    Jade WEAPON creates a black mist around itself too. Could explain why no-one saw it (although given the size of the fucking thing we're clutching at straws here) Yeah it's made clear in the Japanese script that Barret's AVALANCHE were not the original ones. Alo as a note of interest, the...
  18. S and G


    Maybe she liked it doggy style... Hoohoo hands up anyone who didn't see that coming.
  19. S and G

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    And then Gameshark came along and fucked up everything...
  20. S and G


    Might want to check this out to see if anyone takes your fancy... And welcome. In that order.
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