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  1. S and G

    DoC Online Multiplayer info???

    I'm pretty sure the screenshots Suzaku is talking about were the ones I sent you with the caption translations a while back. The ones with all the different NPCs, areas of DG, modes, missions, etc.
  2. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    Sorry guys. I happen to work two jobs and sleep the rest of the time, so writing these summaries is a few slots down my priority list. If you want the translation to work out what is going on by yourself, then email me at [email protected]
  3. S and G

    DoC Online Multiplayer info???

    Sorry, forgot to mention the weapons bit. Everything I've written is canon. The girl that you see is not Shalua, it's Shelke, and the shadow of Restrictor and the gunfire represents her kidnap. Shelke was scouted for SOLDIER for her SND ability, but one of the Restrictors led a secret...
  4. S and G

    Timeline Inconsistencies

    Although I can see where both Mako and Mpesca are coming from, my interpretation is slightly different. For starters, it's very possible that PS didn't give the execution order in February. I haven't checked back on for the exact translation on chapter 20 (so hands up if I'm...
  5. S and G

    DoC Online Multiplayer info???

    There is quite an epic story for the Online mode. As you've heard, it centres around a SOLDIER character who was sent to Deepground for excelling and was targeted by the Tsviet's plan as a possible candidate to be used as a pawn to overthrow the Restrictors. The object of the game was...
  6. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    27. Special Episode of Legend Mission 1 10/01/01 With the end of the lengthy War between the Empire of Wutai and the Shinra Company inevitably approaching, many people across the Planet rejoice in the prospect of peace for the first time in over eight years. However, Chief of Turks...
  7. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    26. Special Episode of Reno Midgar (01/04/01) Mission 1 Reno and Rude are on the 45th floor of the Shinra Building, searching through reports in the scientific data section while on guard duty in the room. Reno complains about the nature of the task and insists that he and his partner liven...
  8. S and G

    Special Episode Extended Summaries

    These summaries were written by myself based on the Japanese scripts posted on Dark Ocean and NeoSphere. Feel free to link this page, or copy to another site, but please reference and credit appropriately. Thanks 25. Special Episode of Tseng Costa del Sol (XX/XX/97) Mission 1 Tseng arrives...
  9. S and G

    All Chapter Scripts (in Japanese)

    The summary above was actually a shortened version of the original I wrote which has a lot more detail to it. I'll post the extended summaries of Tseng, Reno and Legend when I get a chance in this section of the forum. I suggest you use the extended one. And you're more than welcome to...
  10. S and G

    Before Crisis Play Videos on Nico Nico Douga

    This is nothing short of spectacular. Many thanks Suzaku.
  11. S and G

    All Chapter Scripts (in Japanese)

    It was me who wrote that summary a while back based on the Japanese script from Dark Ocean. Please try to credit where possible, rickysee.
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