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  1. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    im telling mummy
  2. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    nigga stole my ava
  3. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    and sausages
  4. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    and you call yourself english
  5. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    how do you like your eggs in the morning?
  6. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    yess this gfx subforum is needed. badly.
  7. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    and ham
  8. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    like a cheese sandwhich
  9. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    make this theme discussion thread or something since we've started discussing themes? i want a psd remix soon, seeing as psd remix 4 never happened on acf
  10. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    that thing that you should be doing you should do
  11. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    your a nigga though, your argument is invalid
  12. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    heres one
  13. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    oh its on now
  14. cmXT

    Games that turned out differently than you expected

    tony hawks underground. first playing it back when it came out i thought it was a normal skating game, until i discovered that the ps2 could go online, and so could thug. 7 years on(?) im still playing it online for at least an hour a day(night) srsly
  15. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    unklucky what you taking?
  16. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    is this a compliment, or are you mocking me >.> oh and 2 new tags xD
  17. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    yeah, they are jsut like big flys
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