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  1. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    havn't participated in an sotw since acf went down, would love to do some again soon :D
  2. cmXT

    i need vector practice

    so if you have any innovative ideas or good looking stocks or images of anything at all, would be great if you could share :D this could be called a 'concept thread' aswel i guess, for sharing concepts with eachother
  3. cmXT

    Tags - everything I've made over the past 4 years.

    i lub you and youre tags
  4. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    ty guys :D new stuffff also, would be awesom if you's could vote here
  5. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    was never a fan of halo three, but i see some fun in this, especially if linked to halo 2
  6. cmXT

    What games are you currently playing?

    started to play cod4 online before i realised how boring it was with no good community or anyone intelligent enough to speak too without hearing high pitched 'yo momma' insults.
  7. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    ew, the only reason i would go see it would be to laugh at spock
  8. cmXT

    Chit Chat Thread

    seriously serious.
  9. cmXT


    this season has taken its time to pick up, but its got there, great so far
  10. cmXT

    DeviantArt & Art Gallery Links ^^
  11. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    thanks ^^ new tagz00r and vote for my tee :0
  12. cmXT


    tag psd's stocks and vector images (have to pay for most) i uploaded some shitty abstract c4d renders
  13. cmXT

    FF manga and fanart 8D

    these are great :D i wanna see some bebop or champloo fanart :3 quite rare these days
  14. cmXT

    new stuff =/

    irl problems atm D: still manage to make quite alot of stuff though... =/
  15. cmXT

    Interested in applying your art to something cool!? Check this out!

    might give this a look... is it sprite/pixel art mainly?
  16. cmXT

    vector practice.

    thx gais ^^ new one, probably going to be my last vector based on real people, im going try start experimenting with more cartoony and self drawn styles and some tags =/
  17. cmXT

    oh lawd wow love these, you should vector them or something :0 would be intresting to see the lead guitarist of mars volta (Omar Rodríguez-López) drawn in anime style, would prob look like afro...
  18. cmXT

    KH & KH2 Training spots

    so yeah, getting to lvl 100 on kingdom hearts 1 and 2 is being a real drag, anyone got any good training spots that give good exp and are fast?
  19. cmXT

    Ravynne's AttentionHoar thread

    great drawings :D you should do more in the style of you latest digital painting, just... not with such a big forehead, heh
  20. cmXT


    hey, welcome
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