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  1. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    I’ve always assumed that Red’s hairpins have some type of magic property’s of some type, hence the boost in attack etc. You don’t actually see his hairpin though, which is a shame. though.. they are pretty small.
  2. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    Wow that Beta Footage is interesting, I haven't seen it before. Just like the mutants, I've noticed that when you first meet aerith at the church, you have an option to make aerith run, hold on a minute or fight. During these scenes the field models have been the Shinra grunts. However if you...
  3. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    I guess SQUARE couldn't be bothered about making all the battle models into field models, so instead used the 'Captain'. to represent them.
  4. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    Ooh yeah. I forgot about them, nice spotting. I always wondered why they had skates. They only seemed to use them once their armor had be stripped off like you said. They never seemed to 'skate' while they had their armor on. They only seemed to take a few steps. unless that's because their in...
  5. Xpelair

    What makes your day

    Eh, I'm not actually sure, but I presume so.
  6. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    Theres also a blue version of them (Grunt) but I don't think they have a field model. Unless they used the Shinra Grunt field model. But that wouldn't make sense.
  7. Xpelair

    What makes your day

    Kinda makes you hungry. 6MIgvcCZTCs&feature
  8. Xpelair

    FFVII Character Details, Easter Eggs, and General What-the-fuckery

    Small bump -Some of the details I’ve mention I might have missed facts so pardon me for that. First up is this. It's a Special Combatant, found mainly around the starting reactor and more specifically found shortly after jumping off the train at Reactor Five. If you ever got trapped in...
  9. Xpelair

    Bounciest Boobies

    c'mon gaiyz
  10. Xpelair

    Hottest Female

    If Tres was actually a girl it would of been much easier to read tbh.
  11. Xpelair

    What makes your day

    SNOW FAIL s5lcX_M9AmI&feature
  12. Xpelair

    Worst Member

    Just by looking at this thread, I see you as the worst member. :monster:
  13. Xpelair

    Worst Member

    I see a 'Microwave Cooking' Masons club! :monster:
  14. Xpelair

    Hottest Female

    Ugh... Just like at the Honey Bee In...
  15. Xpelair

    Best Female Member

    I can't stop watching it please help me
  16. Xpelair

    FFVII: Midgar v3.0 (Fan-Game Mod)

    Bots that post useless information.
  17. Xpelair

    What makes your day

  18. Xpelair

    Hottest Female

  19. Xpelair

    Intelligent spam bots?

    What I want to know is… how can they identify chunks of text. Do they just randomly pick up a few lines and paste them randomly around or what? To be honest… I dread to think what’ll happen in the future.
  20. Xpelair

    Intelligent spam bots?

    There everywhere.... ಠ_ಠ
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