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  1. Xpelair

    What makes your day

    My dog had to have an operation last week because of his liver and even then doctors said it didn't look to hopeful but out of luck the operation went better then expected and he's coming home today fit as a fiddle! :joy:
  2. Xpelair

    Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

    Nearly had a heart attack after reading that geez. But then I knew none could resist the pure awesome epicness of it all.
  3. Xpelair

    Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

    I watched it yesterday night with my uncle. It was AWESOME.
  4. Xpelair

    Things that piss you off

    I went to the local swimming pool yesterday afternoon with a friend. I was just about to go off for a swim when I noticed all these brown/black things inside this plastic covering of the light in my changing room. At first, I didn't know what it was so I stepped up onto the bench to have a...
  5. Xpelair

    The Decline of Gaming

    Sorry for the double post however I feel this has to be said. Gaming has been on a steady downhill decline since the rise of casual gaming. Casual gaming has even had an impact on hardcore games. With more streamlining and focusing much more on the multiplayer than the singleplayer. I...
  6. Xpelair

    Hi Folks!

    Thanks for the warm welcome all, I appreciate it. ^_^
  7. Xpelair

    The Decline of Gaming

    I do understand that gaming is still still strong and hitting it's peak, however I feel the 90's showed just how big gaming was. the 90's had a ton of awesome games and alot of them turned out to be classics that even to this day, stand the test of time. The true golden age of gaming was...
  8. Xpelair

    Cars 2

    I had no idea they'd release a sequel tbh... Although I'm glad they did, really enjoyed watching the first one. Oh and I lol'd when Mator said "Average intelligence".
  9. Xpelair

    The Decline of Gaming

    Not sure if this should be in the debate section or not, but I'll post it here. Alright so The Golden Age of Gaming is over, with the rise of the Internet and online gaming, games are becoming more expensive and we are receiving less content. It is true that, with things like Xbox Live...
  10. Xpelair

    Hi Folks!

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I'll enjoy it here. :lol:
  11. Xpelair

    Hi Folks!

    *Xpelair coughs uneasily* Hai. I've been looking around the website and forums now for a long time, although never really bothered to register until now... Because I'm rather quiet. Anyway I'm a big fan of the FF series (specially number 7 of course) and also a CloTi fan... W00t [Insert...
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