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  1. Xpelair

    What are you listening to?

    Ice Cube - Lethal Injection
  2. Xpelair

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Ah, That's what I first thought. But I wasn't sure.
  3. Xpelair

    How many of you finished ff7

    When I was younger I managed to play through it a couple of times. I'm playing through it right now (just about to enter North Corel). The next time you playthrough, you should check out the stairs. They may seem endless at first but the teams comments make it all worth it. Specially when Tifa...
  4. Xpelair

    Stalemate Random Or Boss Battles?

    That's the problem with Vincent. His limits are powerful but unpredictable (like a double edged sword). It's always safe to know your enemy's strengths and weaknesses before hand. I do hope your save was close by?
  5. Xpelair

    What are you listening to?

    Eminem - Not Afraid
  6. Xpelair

    Things that piss you off

    Yeah, at least with the snow it actually perks up the day.
  7. Xpelair

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    That video just made my day. Seriously I'm still in tears.
  8. Xpelair

    Neil Blomkamp made this short vid

    Well that's... Crocodilepig.
  9. Xpelair

    Things that piss you off

    It still hasn't snowed yet. What the hell is going on!? Damnit... THE WEATHER PEOPLE ARE WRONG.
  10. Xpelair

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I've noticed, What is that item Tifa's holding in the palm of her hand? It's not Materia... Is it?
  11. Xpelair

    Your best renames?

    Never actually tried renaming any of the characters before apart from Red to Nanaki. But... If I ever do go renaming it'll go like this: Cloud - Spikey Ass (Barret calls him that.) Barret - Mr. T (Couldn't think of anything else.) Tifa - My Bitch (Well... You know...) Aries/Aerith - Slum Drunk...
  12. Xpelair

    Things that piss you off

    Scary Maze Game
  13. Xpelair

    Γειά σας!

    Err... Google translate. :whistle:
  14. Xpelair

    Γειά σας!

    Γεια σας και καλώς ήρθατε! Hello and welcome! Hope that's right. :monster:
  15. Xpelair

    What are you listening to?

    Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
  16. Xpelair

    What games are you currently playing?

    Syphon Filter 1 to 3 on the PSX Emulator. So fun yet... So frustrating.
  17. Xpelair

    Things that piss you off

    Ugh... Sounds just like the college I'm at, but I've gradually learned to just ignore it.
  18. Xpelair

    What makes your day

    This puts a smile on my face every time I watch it. Also... I WANT DAT PARROT!!!11one. Caution: Old video is old. d81qFaoe010&
  19. Xpelair

    Square Enix: “FF14 is a Disaster, We’ve Lost Player Trust”

    Buying a PS3 specifically for two of your favorite games and then deciding you hate them and stop buying any more games JUST because you hated the two you Have is not really giving the PS3 platform a chance is it? Have you tried actually looking? I'm sure if you looked you'd find something that...
  20. Xpelair

    Kuraudo's Artwork

    Wow nice drawings you get there, impressive stuff. If your looking for other related things to draw have you tried something like the Diamond Weapon? Or perhaps an enemy such as the Custom Sweeper? It really depends on the types of things you like to draw that are VII related.
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