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  1. Starling

    TLS plays Pathfinder

    And almost get everyone killed again? You're lucky Dawn omitted the part where Delora lost her cool at Cal and gave him more berry stealing despite not being a rogue.
  2. Starling

    The Lifestream.Net Community Reading - #1 Ripples In Time

    Lic, you'll probably be fine as long as it's just constructive criticism rather than straight up bashing. It's only natural to get annoyed if you run into one of your fanfic pet peeves and I'm not gonna deny I've ranted about such things on occasion but when discussing a specific person's...
  3. Starling

    NEW! Welcome PM for New Members

    Looks great. The image examples look like they could use better image quality and I'm surprised you didn't mention the BB code buttons in the post interface but otherwise I don't think I'd change anything.
  4. Starling

    FAQ Updates

    well actually, that custom colour reel in google sheets notes the colour code of the colour you're on and lets you type the one you want if you already know it. I approximated the default colour of the forums for the background and typed in the colour codes I listed as the text colour so you can...
  5. Starling

    FAQ Updates

    For the BB codes, you can encourage people to experiment with them in post preview to get a better idea of how it'll look in their post before using it, as well as provide an image of any button that wrap those codes for you in the post interface alongside the explanation of how to use them...
  6. Starling

    FAQ Updates

    Maybe we should group the stuff about what you can do with your post together, or at least close by if they're separate. Some people don't immediately realize what some of the buttons on the post interface do. It took me a while just to notice the tiny arrows that could expand or reduce the size...
  7. Starling

    Suggestions for improvements

    Since this post responds to posts made a few days ago, some things may be a bit outdated, depending on whether or not the people being responded to have revised anything they said in said posts. I've been getting the impression that some people have thought I wasn't working on a response...
  8. Starling

    Suggestions for improvements

    I'm saying this now because It obviously can't wait until I finish my proper response: Antagonism and general hostility towards people trying to give feedback isn't going to solve anything, no matter how much you disagree with what they said or personally dislike who you're responding to...
  9. Starling

    What is allowed in the politics off topic forum? Free speech vs the Regressive Left

    Taking the time to say he's being antagonistic and explaining why is still better than filling the thread with memes. At least then he knows what not to do next time. It also makes the feedback section more welcoming.
  10. Starling

    What is allowed in the politics off topic forum? Free speech vs the Regressive Left

    Dreamer us right. The least people can do is give a serious response to people instead of just memes. Hostile, condescending and/or antagonistic responses don't foster an environment where people feel welcome to off feedback. Bill asked a question and the least people can do is actually answer it.
  11. Starling

    What is allowed in the politics off topic forum? Free speech vs the Regressive Left

    I'm lacking sufficient context to say what exactly people take issue with in your posts but in regards to the responses in the suggestions for improvements thread, your post had nothing to do with suggesting improvements or the discussions going on in the thread, so people were generally...
  12. Starling

    Suggestions for improvements

    Whether you were referring to your own post or mine, is still a rude way to start a reply. Drunk or sober, neither excuse being rude and disrespectful. You're still treating suggestions to improve the forum as something not worth taking seriously, undermining discussion on possible...
  13. Starling

    Suggestions for improvements

    I see people suggesting the removal of the FAQ and I can't help but wonder how providing less information about the forums is supposed to help in any way. I specifically brought up posting information in a stickied thread as an alternative to putting it in the FAQ, so it's not the sole option...
  14. Starling

    Suggestions for improvements

    This thread is intended to provide everyone with a place to give general feedback on things they think could be improved, added, changed, etc on the forums. Lately, I've noticed member input on various things concerning the forums is rather low, exemplified by the rather low activity in this...
  15. Starling

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Looks like a dark blue SOLDIER uniform with extra wide collar and Cloud's OG pauldron. The confusion with the MP uniform was probably from the lack of lines on the shirt and how scarf-like the collar looks. It actually could be intended as a scarf if you assume the ends are at the back where...
  16. Starling

    Final Fantasy Realms - Adventure Thread

    Of course the hatchlings would still go for the chocobos, Cindy thought. She'd have to hope the injured one could hold up while she and Reno finished off the remaining serpent, otherwise it would likely just injure another. She did her best to draw its attention away from the chocobos as she...
  17. Starling

    TheLifestream.Net Community Reading - Planning

    Most of the multichaptered fics I like are either too long or ongoing, so I don't really have much to nominate until it's time for the oneshots. I ordered them from shortest to longest, though Ripples in Time has an ongoing sequel and some supplementary oneshots. The Finger Why Waist Length...
  18. Starling

    Random question about Reno

    I don't see why anyone would think the surname is anything special seeing as I've seen it used in old fics where Zack's surname wasn't known yet, so they basically just passed it on to Reno afterwards. Even more annoying is that old fics call him Zax for some strange reason. Fandoms can be weird...
  19. Starling

    Which minor character should be given the ascended extra treatment?

    I recall something about the children in ACC being more in tune with the planet because they were born more recently and still have a stronger connection people apparently tend to lose when their older. That seems to imply humans aren't all that different from Cetra and just need to put more...
  20. Starling

    Final Fantasy Realms - Adventure Thread

    Looks like she would be fighting two hatchlings this time, Cindy thought. Hopefully she and Reno could deal with them quickly so they could support the others once the Chocobos were safe. Picking which one to deal with first, she shot and ice spell at it. Action taken: Used Ice on...
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