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  1. Carnage

    Gears of War 3

    I'm absolutely STOKED for Gears 3. I played Gears 2 pretty much 24/7. Couldn't be more excited for this.
  2. Carnage

    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    I have one question. Why the fuck do Serah and Dajh just walk up to you over a HILL after sixty hours of trying to save them?
  3. Carnage


    Thanks everyone. Hope to have a good time here.
  4. Carnage

    What are you listening to?

    Slash - Ghost (feat. Ian Astbury)
  5. Carnage


    Thanks! It would definitely have to be FFX, despite the minimal involvement of Uematsu in it.
  6. Carnage

    What games are you currently playing?

    Working on Final Fantasy VI. FINALLY got control of the airship. Game is fucking amazing. Way better than that garbage I was playing earlier, FF4DS. Seriously, FF4DS came out fourteen years after this game, and yet I'm not presented with the option to choose my party members?
  7. Carnage


    I am Carnage. I have been playing Final Fantasy for the past 6 years, starting with VII. I have beaten V, VII, and XIII, and I am at the final boss(es) of III, IV, and X. My favorite Final Fantasies are X, VI, and VII, and my least favorite so far are XIII, IV, and II. I am a HUGE fan of...
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