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  1. Ascension

    Why do people obsess over Weiss

    It just reminds me of Dante due to the color of his outfit I suppose and the way he does his crazy back flips and all that. Dante does the same sort of thing but then I can say that about a plethora of games of the same genre. His story is confusing to me because it doesn't follow up entirely...
  2. Ascension

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    Something else that branches off to another character in FFVII, interesting..
  3. Ascension

    Why do people obsess over Weiss

    I admit as much as I like Vincent, his story in DoC sparked confusion. It's too scattered. Most of it seemed like it was made on a whim and not thought about deeply and professionally. What at first was shedding some light on his background turned into a mess with a poorly thought out plot and...
  4. Ascension

    Does FFVII have the most insane enemy names ever?

    Yes, it's obvious Midgar Zolom was intentional. Vlakorados? Must be a mistranslation of Velociraptor or another variation of it and I thought Vlakorados was a chocobo that gave you nuts?
  5. Ascension


    It just depends on your interpretation on what's overrated and what's not or if it even matters to you but you still enjoy the game for what it is worth and how much of an impact it made on you. I wouldn't count on mainstream sources much like IGN because they discredit a lot of classic games...
  6. Ascension

    Aerith and the Loveless Play...

    It may be related to Aerith but I wish it wasn't vaguely expressed and cryptic to give a more in depth analysis but it is probably a reference to ongoing events in the game or, it might not mean anything at all and it's just filler. Either way, it just depends on one's own interpretation...
  7. Ascension

    Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)

    They fit with the humorous and laid back outlook that was set upon the game. So the villians fit in with that approach. I didn't really consider them to be villians, I just considered them to be a thorn in Yuna's side that sidetracked her from her main goal.
  8. Ascension

    Your best renames?

    I have a habit of naming all my main characters 'Kuro', all the male ones anyway, which generally there is only males that take that role. For the other characters I named Tifa as Heather, Yuffie as Breanna, Red XIII as Hammy, Vincent as Bloodfest, Cait Sith as Pilsberry with the name taking...
  9. Ascension


    I personally think there are much better games than Halo but I won't discredit others for their opinions about it if they consider it the best FPS. I had someone get angry with me and even told me to "go to hell" because I said that Doom is a better FPS than Halo...people let their egotism get...
  10. Ascension

    Who is your fav. character in AC?

    The only thing wrong with Tifa's looks is the fact that she looks asian when she didn't in the original game. Nothing wrong with it but it doesn't make sense how she could have a change in appearance like that. She looks sort of like Rinoa and she looks very asian.
  11. Ascension

    Where were you when Dirge of Cerberus was released?

    Why does it matter where we were? I cant remember anyway but I know I didn't buy the game immediately when it was released. I have had it for about a year now and it's been out since 2006 and I have yet to end it because it is pretty hard.
  12. Ascension

    Aerith's Looks

    I liked the way she looked in the original game the best. I like her old sprite that she had in the game. She was also portrayed nicely and the images of her during CGI's were good but they were decent in AC as well.
  13. Ascension

    Memories of playing FFVII

    When I first started playing FFVII, I was amazed. I mean afterall it was my first Final Fantasy to get me into this evolutionary series, as well as the first game I ever played that had 3D graphics. So, I have to thank it for that. The fighting overwhelmed me, it was so detailed and the graphics...
  14. Ascension

    The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

    Re: Love Triangle Discussion He was more of a crossdresser than a tranny, but still he seems to deceive not only Corneo but his lackeys as well. That's if he picks Tifa though.
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