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  1. Lelouch

    Some Random Arts

    Prints~! have you ever used a rubber sole or something ;) anyway, i really admire the carves~ since.. carving for me is really a pain, considering i've also been printing lately. nonetheless, your works are wesome :monster:
  2. Lelouch

    Happy birthday X-Soldier

    Happy birthday dude :hugeawesomonster:
  3. Lelouch

    Can someone change my username?

    to Lelouch. Thanks
  4. Lelouch


    Welcome an' shit :monster:
  5. Lelouch

    What makes your day

  6. Lelouch

    Things that piss you off

    ^ tell him/her to say that allowed while facing a mirror. It's much better to here it that way. Seriously, it's much more stupid to say something like that in any way.
  7. Lelouch


  8. Lelouch

    Hymn Of the Angels ~ Evangelion

    OH GOD, I CAN'T WAIT FOR EVA 3.0 8D *joins in*
  9. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    Hey Mei, narinig mo news about this.. ? JIXkYwAM3pM Anyway, ^ this video makes me day for some reason. 8DD
  10. Lelouch

    So... yeah.

    HI NATHAN- I don't think you still remember me but :excited: DUDE, 'SUP 8D
  11. Lelouch

    tumblr thread :0

  12. Lelouch

    tumblr thread :0

    OMG, YOU WATCH FLAPJACK ? :excited:
  13. Lelouch

    tumblr thread :0 BUT SOON, IT SHALL BE FILLED WITH YURI 8D
  14. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    ..i can somehow manage to keep up with user name changes. AWESOME :monster: BTW, Mog, i hope you do well thar :monster:
  15. Lelouch

    User 2012.

    Bye dude, good luck~ i wish you all the shits OH WAI-, WELCOME BACK O.O
  16. Lelouch

    Dean Winchester...

    Enjoy your day! :reptar:
  17. Lelouch

    I need friends

    Hey there old friend. Welcome back. an' shit :monster:
  18. Lelouch

    Things that piss you off

    So umm, I'm trying to firgure out the story behind Aki-Sora. It's kind of annoying me coz all i see is.. stuff. I want to know the plot and how the story grew T.T but sucks that i have to see "commercials" first
  19. Lelouch


    So.. someone asks how to chat in the chat box.. then comments posted.. then WAIT, WHEN WILL THIS THREAD CLOSE? Hi, Welcome, enjoy your chatbox C:
  20. Lelouch

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Poor.. Kirsten? i forgot her name already. HAHA. CREEPY OAO
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