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  1. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    Games during the times of VII were still in their developing period. Not only Sony, but also Nintendo. Constantly looking at new ideas, inventing new stuff. Hoping things would catch on, look at the development of Super smash brothers melee, crash bandicoot, hell even mario kart WII. The games...
  2. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    Its that feeling to me wich made the game so special. The overworld music changing at the end to a more dark and gloomy theme, really gave the feeling of incoming despair. And yet there are also tunes of hope, the game's setting changes a lot in different area's. Totally agree, all these points...
  3. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    Couldn't have said it any better. I too believe that it is because of this. Playing through the game is a lot of fun, but you only start seeing the connection with the real world when you look a little closer. The fact that a game at that time, without the fancy graphics or facial expressions...
  4. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    from a character design standpoint, barret and tifa are probably the most creative. Their story's are fullfleshed, and their backstory is even more interresting. I believe everyone hates cait sith, i do too. Even though i think he added somewhat of an creative idea. the way he was put together...
  5. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    I do believe it indeed had a verry large impact on the industry. With the launch of 3D gaming, a couple of them stand out. Of course mario 64 is one, but i think ff7 is one that comes to many peoples minds as well. The rise in popularity of video games as a whole was a great thing, and the...
  6. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    Definately, the critics ive heard are indeed really well talking about the game. I love the fact that all the characters are so fleshed out, the materia system is also beautiful. I wish they would have did more with the materia in the remake, when it launched i believed the materia was a bit...
  7. Juge_F_G

    Why come back to this game specifically?

    Hello there! I am wondering, why do people constantly talk about going back to this game? I can relate to it tbh, of all the games ive played this has been one of the only ones i actually can't stop playing. But what is the reason for that? For me, it is mostly the storyline. In my opinion...
  8. Juge_F_G

    The most 'human' Final Fantasy? *possible major spoilers for FF7's plot, if it's really that big of a concern*

    I do believe i see a lot of human types of situations. Not only in the family parts, but also dealing with grieve and such. You can see every character with their own personality's, they almost look like they are made to fit certain player characteristics. The fact that every character is...
  9. Juge_F_G

    some writing on FF7's real-world significance

    I love the idea. As for the amount of words, maybe a pdf file is a good option. That way it is possible to download it, and the word limit won't really be an issue. I would be interrested in reading it!
  10. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    probably makes more sense, thanks
  11. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    trying to find a domain so that pictures work, anyone got any ideas?
  12. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Update: text color changed to black so its better readable
  13. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    if it gets published, you'll be the first to know :)
  14. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Thank you! I decided to learn HTML and CSS since everyone was using those web makers, the ones with just the templates and all. I wanted to show them that you can make websites without using the things that we're already made for you. I want people to show their creativity, and make things...
  15. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Hmm... i don't think so. I wanted to make the last couple of changes before i published it. However, i will need to make a domain to get it up and running. Otherwise people would have to acces my personal files, and i don't really want that to happen... =D
  16. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Checked up on it! Sorry about the confusion, the code cannot be edited at random. I can select specific people i want to have changing the code, others can only see the code. Come to think of it, it would be pretty weird if people could just come into the space and mess things up in the code for...
  17. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    uhh... yes. I believe i did, yet i did not do it intending on bringing down other/this fan site. I mostly did it because i want to learn more about coding, and this website was the biggest one i made. I was hoping to find people here who know how to code, so that i can get tips on the coding =D...
  18. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Just a quick note: The weird codefiles have been deleted, thanks for notifying it!
  19. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Verry interessting to see another dutch person on here! Thanks for the tips, i agree about the weird (homophobic) codefiles. Made those with some friends, to joke about one another. (with their confirmation, might i add ;D). However, them being published on there isn't really that great of an...
  20. Juge_F_G

    Website ff7

    Good point! private may be a better idea... That is something i hadn't thought about, thanks!
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