potato master
Hey everyone!
This is going to be my first post on this thread. I have made a website about ff7, using html. It is a bit of my own opinion, and a bit about the game. I would love for you to check it out, and give me some tips about it. The code? The coloring? Please let me know. Do please keep in mind that i am a beginner, not a proffesional programmer... So don't look at it with a proffesional eye please =D. Anyway, thanks for the look, and give the tips!!!I have posted it to this github account, it is the ff7.html file, Please have a look! You are allowed to make changes in the file/code, but please let me know what type of changes you made! (please count=5)
This is going to be my first post on this thread. I have made a website about ff7, using html. It is a bit of my own opinion, and a bit about the game. I would love for you to check it out, and give me some tips about it. The code? The coloring? Please let me know. Do please keep in mind that i am a beginner, not a proffesional programmer... So don't look at it with a proffesional eye please =D. Anyway, thanks for the look, and give the tips!!!I have posted it to this github account, it is the ff7.html file, Please have a look! You are allowed to make changes in the file/code, but please let me know what type of changes you made! (please count=5)