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  1. T

    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    Sorry about my poor quoting, can't seem to edit my posts.
  2. T

    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    Like I said, the Planet and Jenova are special cases seeing as they aren't really characters and might've not been factored. Sephiroth was corrupting the Lifestream because it was severely weakened from when Jenova attacked, the mako reactors, and stopping Meteor. Sephiroth's willpower is...
  3. T

    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    I don't know, although the story of Dissidia is possible with the timelines of the other Final Fantasies, most of the FF villians were severely nerfed. Namely Exdeath, Cloud of Darkness, Ultimecia, etc. Kuja nuked a planet, Squall isn't nearly as fast, Tifa acutally lasted in a fight against...
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    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    I'm not disagreeing with the creators when I say this (I'd be an idiot if I did) but I don't think they factored in the Planet and Jenova when they said this. Most of Sephiroth and Cloud's power have been from the Planet and Jenova, it wouldn't make sense if they as a whole aren't stronger than...
  5. T

    Should they re-make FFVII?

    Square Enix would make so much money, plus Miss Cloud would be something to see. Maybe he'll look like a blonde Lightning.
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    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    All I have to say is, Noel looks like a Yuna and Tidus love child. He has her hair and his eyes.
  7. T

    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    Jenova is a whole lot stronger than Sephiroth. All of Sephiroth's abilities come from Jenova herself. Sephiroth only has most of Jenova's cells and hence, his power. When all of them combine, Jenova will be reborn. Her virus is on a whole different level than Sephiroth's too, marking their...
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    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    In the end, I want a Cloud and Tifa to end up together but i also think that there was also a Cloud/Aerith thing going on too. I love their chemistry. Gosh, it's okay for him to love both of them!!
  9. T

    (Un)Official FFVII Tier List

    I think people are underestimating Jenova a bit. She is an entity that travels through space on a lifeless rock and survives crashing onto planets and is capable of destroying thing. Not to mention, she can absorb it's knowlegde and infect people with it's virus which is much more deady than...
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